This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A not having to do any work sort of Sunday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Ysterday went really quickly.

I went for a sleep after I got back from town and then did a bit of housework and shopping and took the dog out far mor briefly than I would have liked but there was nowhere to walk that wasnt really icy.

Hilary and Dave came round and we settled on a date and venue for our rearranged meal ( seeing as we cant got this Friday but that suits me as it means I can go to the Christmas do at PLUS and also get some more work done in Stirling.

After they had gone I read the paper and then had a lovely pasta dish that Bill had cooked and watched a Wallander film. Different actors but I quickly got used to that.

Oh I watched Strictly and X Factor. Not the same without Richard.

A not having to do any work sort of Sunday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

So for today I am going to go out for a walk with Bill and Finn.

Not sure about the rest of the day which is a lovely feeling.

I think we will have a proper sunday dinner with veggie haggis tonight. Lizzie will be at work but Chris just working 11-5 so he will be here. I havent seen him since he got back but am assuming that he is here from something Lizzie said on FB. That is very weird.

This time next week I will either be down south already or just about to head off. I am so hoping that it isnt too cold next weekend to make the drive difficult.

A not having to do any work sort of Sunday

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Oh dear I felt totally dreadful so went back to bed for a couple of hours and I think caught up on my sleep

Now up and dressed and have hoovered and sorted while Bill and Lizzie were at B and Q and tesco. Hope Bill gets nuts so that I can make nut loaf for dinner instead ( I forgot that we actually already ate the haggis).

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