This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Dundee all day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I couldnt post this am as the boards were down

I have had a really busy day.

Class this am which was a bit hard going as I hadnt given them a handout that I thought i had so luckily could copy some

Lunch with Gill which was nice as hadnt seen her for months

Meeting at EDS this afternoon which was interesting and informative

Home just after 4 and time to have a quick look round the garden before it got dark and to catch up on admin

Ringing Richard and my mam and dad tonight and will mark katies project and maybe do some diary planning to work out what I will do when

Dundee all day

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Did both my phone calls and also did quite a lot of admin tasks

I have just been out with Finn and it is getting to be a quite icy evening. Chris came in just as we were going out.

Im going to spend the rest of the evening catching up on the weekend papers.

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