This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Im off to Edinburgh today. Lunch at the Botanic Gardens and a Diane Arbus exhinbition that finishes tomorrow at the Dean Gallery

Bill has gone to his First Aid course. He has made moussaka for tea.

Chris didnt make it home from his footie watching in Stirling.

It is a lovely day. Lots of birdsong from the garden


Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I have had a nice day but oh boy it has gone so quickly.

I pottered about this morning doing jobs

Headed through to Edinburgh. I was really taken with the building that the restaurant we were meeting in was in. We were there ages so it was nice and relaxing. I later headed over to the Dean Gallery for the Diane Arbus exhibtion which finishes tomorrow and then walked over to the Gallery of Modern Art and walked round the Landform. Home at 6.

I got in and then 5 minutes later Chris got in and 5 minutes after that Bill got back.

After tea I went for a sleep and have just taken Finn out with Bill. There were a lot of bats and less enjoyably rather a lot of midges.

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