This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Ive missed a day!!!!

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Oh dear I appear to be no Samuel Pepys

Yesterday was busy. I was in Dundee in the morning and we finished Children's Rights. Came home briefly and then dashed off to Stirling. Had the most humungously difficult meeting for which I have just written the minute. Can of worms time yet again.

Went back to the office briefly as needed time to kind of come to terms with things and then headed round to see the L's who were in a better frame of mind than of late so that was good.

Picked R up and headed through to Perth for a swim and a steam. It was a lovely evening and we went to the Chinese Buffet. Dropped R off and came home for a quiet evening.

Lizzie texted me with some good news re a promotion at work. Her and Chris have extended their trip to Denmark to a week so that they can be there when Denmark play a World Cup game (Denmark v Ivory Coast surely not the most glamorous of the ties that will be seen this summer. Lizzie also booked her Kendal Calling ticket. They will have a ball if it is anything like as good as when Chris went last year.

It is raining today. Im taking R to an appt first thing ( must remind him to make nurse appt) and then have a full programme of work until 6. Not working tonight though which is unusual for a Wednesday.

Ive missed a day!!!!

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I forgot to say that Bill found a blackbird sitting on her nest in the ivy at the bottom of the garden yesterday. We will be watching her closely and hoping that the cat from down the street keeps away. We had baby housemartins last year but the nest broke and they all died. No sign of the nest being rebuilt yet.

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