This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Day 2

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Im not sure I will have done this right as in getting a new day started but I can check with R on Monday if not

It is a beautiful day

Im about to go for a swim. Finn is pottering round happily in the garden. Bill is studying as he has a tutorial this am, Chris and Lizzie are still asleep. Lizzie went to a party dressed as a ladybird last night. I didnt see her but no doubt the photos will be on Facebook sometime today. She si working today so it will be just me and Chris at home.

I want to do some work for Dundee and Falkirk and to look at my essay at some point today as well as typing up the notes. If I write it down here it might make me do it.

Day 2

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy


Yes you got it right. It's easy isn't it.

Nice having another Journal to read. I hope you keep it up.


smiley - smiley

Day 2

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Yes I really wasnt sure if it would automatically go onto the next day.

It is funny I had never even considered writing a journal before but the idea came to me on Thursday and now Im really keen.

I really enjoy reading yours and am looking forward to seeing mine develop. I wish I didnt have to use a screen name though.

Day 2

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

I have got through all the work that I wanted to do today, had a lovely sleep at lunchtime and have just had a very pleasant walk with Finn. It is a beautiful evening.

Bill has been making a new strawberry bed and has just started a wood box. I assume this is for taking to the cottage seeing as we dont have a fire here.

Lizzie is going to Dundee for a night out tonight with some of her work colleagues. One of them is here waiting for Lizzie to finish work. I will offer to take them to town and will go for a swim at that point.

Not sure what to have to eat tonight. We had lentil soup with pitta bread and houmous at lunch time and I had rather smart fish cakes from Asda with spinach for breakfast.

Time to read The Guardian.

Another day dawns

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

I went to bed quite early last night. Woke at 5 ish as usual but went back to sleep until well after 9. Bill had gone and got Finn so he was asleep on the bed as well.

The weather doesnt look like it knows what to do today

Plans for the day include the standing items of swimming and dog walking and I then have some marking to do. Im getting on top of things workwise which is good. All my work stuff is back down in the hut now that the weather is better and I find that a lot easier.

Another day dawns

Post 6

MV Whitby May Rose

Oh no it hasnt worked right today. I must have to go in through the actual h2g2 and not through my ML discussions

Another day dawns

Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yes you have to go in through h2g2. Phone me if you have difficulty.

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