This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Surrealist Sunday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I had a nice day yesterday. I was pleased with the housework that I got done.

I had a very nice sleep in the afternoon and took Finn out, went for a swim and made a stir fry for Lizzie and I in the evening.

I went to bed at midnight and slept all night

I took Finn out first thing and there werent any other dogs out which was fab. Just catching up on overnight e mails and going swimming as soon as done that.

Im off to Edinburgh for the Surrealist exhibtion this morning. Meeting Max for lunch after it. On the way home Im going to the conservatory showroom.

Lizzie is working today and going to a party in Edinburgh tonight. Chris is just having a day at home. I didnt hear him come in last night but assume he is here. I never hear the kids come home which is a very good thing as I hate being woken up.

Surrealist Sunday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

The day didnt work out as planned ( well it did but not in the order I had planned).

I went swimming and when I got back ( having been to Dunelm Mill on the way) I did some jobs which meant I was later leaving than I had intended and in fact the traffic was so bad I was 10 mins late when i had intended getting there an hour early. It was nice to see Max and then i went over to the Dean Gallery and on to the conservatory place.

I came home and Lizzie was just getting ready to go to Edinburgh. I made nachos for Chris and I and then he went out with Kirsten.

I have rung my mam and dad and done a bit of travel research and here we are 9pm again.

Surrealist Sunday

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Ive had the chimenea on for the first time tonight. I chatted to Bill while I sat by it.

I have had an email conversation with Peter tonight about our planned Settle/Carlisle railway trip. Looks like we will go on August 6th.

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