This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A very wet morning

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Blimey it is SO wet

I cant beleive how much rain must have fallen over night but the bird bath is full and I had emptied it.

Im having another fairly short day

Im going through to Stirling quite early

Taking R to the hospital, need to give Sara keys as they are out at ST today, time in the office, going to Beanscene with Anne for a meeting ( having handed in ALL the marking, hooray and then meeting Audrey at 2 at the garden centre to get the books etc from her. I hope to be home by 3.30 ish. I dont actually have to do any work tonight if I dont want to but could do some SVQ or do some AHS work if I cant cope with not doing anything.

Im at home all day tomorrow and Friday so any of the above could also happen then intersperspersed with getting the place ready for mam and dad arriving on Friday.

A very wet morning

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

What i didnt know this morning is that Perth had flooded

I had a really nice lunch with Anne at Beanscene

Home by 5. Kids both out. Lizzie to Dundee to see Toy Story something or other in 3d with Cameron and Chris has Matt through

I have had the usual restorative sleep.

I am having an evening doing absolutely nothing

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