This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A new week

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I slept quite well. I woke up when Chris came in which is quite rare and was awake again briefly in the early hours but that was all.

I got up and was going to go swimming but I ended up doing e mails, doing the washing, hoovering etc and I was chatting to Bill for ages as I was worried last night that he sounded so down. We cleared the air about a few of the things that were said last week so that was good.

Im going to go swimming now and will then come home and do a few bits and bobs before meeting Hilary for lunch at the Birnam Institute. I havent seen her for weeks as she has been on holiday.

When I come back I will be working for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I have allotted myself some specific things that I need to do today.

A new week

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I did the specific things but not until later than intended

It was good seeing Hilary. We had a very long lunch and mainly talked about work related issues ( or the lack of work rather).

When i got home I pottered and chatted to Chris for a while. i felt shattered so went for a sleep. When I woke up I took Finn out and then worked. Oh i had the chimenea on again today, this afternoon and also dyed some stuff.

Stirling tomorrow and wednesday. I have to go out to Aberfoyle tomorrow

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