This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

It is a very dreich day today

I woke up quite early and got up to do a few things

Im going for a swim and then through to Stirling

I have the last of the marking to do tonight. Im really pleased as now that is out of the way I have more time to spend on my course.

Ive been down and watered the greenhouse. lots of tomatoes and the chillies are coming on well.


Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

The day turned out to be very variable

I went through to Stirling and collected richard and he came out to Aberfoyle and Thornhill with me. I went to Dunblane to do an observation on the way back. I was home by 4.30

Did some jobs and had a sleep. Richard woke me up by ringing me by sheer fluke at the time I wanted to get up to make the meal for Chris and I.

I took Finn out and then had to start marking. I got it all done.

Bill has got his letter confirming that he has got his early retirement as from 31/08.

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