Greetings and Salutations!

Well I have to say I live in a pretty amazing place. The scenery's amazing, especially when it stops raining - which it's just done, but give it 5 minutes and it'll be raining again.

People come from all over the place to have a look at the Giant’s Causeway. It's really a big pile of funny shaped stones, but there's a great legend about the giant Finn McCool.
But if you can't get here yourself, at least have a look at some of Northern Ireland's attractions.
I can't really remember how I got introduced to Hitchhiker. It was ages ago anyway. I think we had three of the books just lying round the house, so I read them and that was it.
Now, I have two sets of the books, the TV series on video, the film on DVD, and a little teddy called Ford. Oh yeah, and my Ford Fiesta's called Arthur. (He's living up to his name too - scary to think how much work's been done to my car.)
Here's a real Ford Prefect car! I've never seen one in reality though.
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Well, as you might have noticed, I'm a Queen fan. But I don't just listen to Queen. My CD collection includes:
The Beatles
Frank Sinatra
Simon and Garfunkel
Take That
Robbie Williams
The Eagles
I've heard some great tribute bands:
Talon is an absolutely brilliant Eagles tribute band - if you get the chance to see them, take it.
The Bootleg Beatles are the Beatles tribute band (obviously, clue's in the name).
Flash Harry does a fantastic Freddie Mercury/Queen tribute.
I've also started fanclubs for Dire Straits and the Beatles. So click on the badges if you want to check them out. And please join!
| I'm in the Dire Straits Fan Club!! |
My Science Fiction Obssessions

I've liked Star Trek and Star Wars, well, forever. And I have to say I'm loving the Doctor.
I'm a Professor at the Starfleet Academy, specialising in the Borg and a member of the Star Trek Appreciation Society. So all you Trek fans get over there and join up!

Play Space Invaders. Can you beat me? I got to level 7 with 20690 points before getting taken out.
Who dunnit?

My favourites would be:
Dalziel and Pascoe
Foyle’s War
Midsomer Murders
Miss Marple
By the way - you're being watched.......
Does this notice annoy you, ?? | ||||||
Ok, I think I probably watch far too much TV for my own good. I'm a bit addicted to period dramas. (Weird combination, I know - sci-fi, detectives and period drama.)
Call me daft if you must, but there's nothing like a man with blue eyes, or in uniform, or in period costume. Or, even better, a combination of all three!
So if anyone knows any of these guys from these dramas, please point them in my direction.
Monarch of the Glen
Pride and Prejudice
Due South
The Campaign for a Chocolate Muffin Smiley!

I'm hoping that others out there apart from Kaz and myself have heard of, and indeed eaten, chocolate muffins. They are an ingenious invention, and need to be acknowledged as such. Therefore, it is only right that, as part of this acknowledgement, there be a smiley dedicated to such a wonderful invention. Please join our campaign - go here for the campaign page.
What do you believe?

I know everyone has their own ideas and impressions of what a church is like depending on what their experience is. Don't worry, I don't preach at anyone. I firmly believe that everyone's entitled to their own opinions and beliefs and we should respect each other's beliefs.
Ok, my church is non-denominational and has only been going a few years. There's no pews, no organ, and no boring sermon. Actually, we don't even have our own building yet, but that doesn't mean we're any less fun. We ARE fun, and that's the way church should be. Lots of the people who come are in their teens, twenties and thirties, and everyone shows up in jeans or whatever. Very comfy.
If you want to find out more about the church, click here (My Church) to get to the church website.
I'm not alone - I've found the h2g2 Christians.
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Another bonjour! | Oct 2, 2009 |
Bonjour NPY! | Aug 12, 2009 |
NPY-Brian Houston gig this autumn in Belfast! | Dec 24, 2008 |
Detectives | Sep 21, 2008 |
No doubt you heard the bad news about the TT | May 18, 2008 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
5 STAR Chef! | No Posting | 6 Weeks Ago |
Dr Who. | Nov 23, 2009 | Jun 22, 2024 |
Another PLUS for Yorkshire.. | No Posting | Feb 3, 2024 |
Arthur! ------- for no apparent reason | No Posting | Dec 15, 2023 |
Stupid Statements! | No Posting | Sep 22, 2023 |
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- Coleraine, Northern Ireland, UK
- George Best - The Tributes
- George Best - The Footballer
- George Best - The Man, The Legend
- Queen - Birth of a Rock Legend
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."