This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 161

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

In that case I'm out of here too. Not my ball-game, you know... smiley - smiley


Post 162

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

It's a dead boring subject anyway smiley - winkeye


Post 163

The Caffeine Kid

yeah, and insest is reletively boring.....

get some new material, matey! smiley - winkeye

at least if a woman is into that sort of thing she doesnt have to worry about getting her man nice and stiff...ewww!


Post 164

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Ok, usually I'd stick around, but even I'm freaked by necrophilia, and therefore this discussion (and I'm a Buffy fan- just consider what she was up to with Angel. And Riley for that matter, but that's for a different forum...).
So, I'm outta here smiley - smiley

Hey... come on...

Post 165

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Look! We don't have to talk about necrophilia; it wasn't my idea. Well, not really. Oh... oh, alright. I'm sorry. Let's change the subject.

Marks and Spencers underwear: passion killers?...

Hey... come on...Back on the straight

Post 166

Trillian's child

How about what turns you off?

I hate watching people actually having sex on TV or in films. Puts me off for at least a week. To think that other people do that too (I know its irrational, everybody does it). I am talking blatant pornography here. Can't think what people see in it. It doesn't leave anything to the imagination.

Hey... come on...Back on the straight

Post 167


Would watching yourself on film put you off too?

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 168


Mina, yes you are weird.

Trillian's child. the first situation you mention (Big brother comes in and finds little brother losing his V. to a good friend
(of big brother's)) would result in a punch-up if BB fancied his friend and (s)he slept with LB.

SGB, are you censoring the postings here? should I not mention my fondness for "fruits of the forest" yogurts? smiley - winkeye

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 169

I'm not really here

Thanks for calling me weird. smiley - sadface
Very supportive.
Emily, no M&S can be ok, my mate has got rather a sexy basque thing that she bought there. Don't know how long ago that was though.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 170

The Caffeine Kid

weird isnt bad, Mina, "normal" is bad/dull... whatever "normal" is...

and I would love to basque (LOL) in your presence sometime.. xx

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 171

Trillian's child

Seeing a film of myself would probably put me off for life.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 172

I'm not really here

Me too.
A film of me, not a film of TC.
But I don't mind porn films.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 173

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Ah... but Marks and Spencer's underwear is fine, right up to the point at which you stop being a B-cup. I WANT that red lacy Salon Rose bra. Do they ever have it in 36D? Oh no... smiley - sadface

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 174

Trillian's child

Actually, in my case it's due to my having just had an operation and not being able to face the thought of what I look like naked, with all my surgical scars and menopausal fat. Who'd want to sleep with that?

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 175

I'm not really here

I'm sorry, I am a B-cup, so thats why it's fine. My mate is something like DD or G, but she wears the basque thing.
If I want something a bit saucier, it's bloody impossible to find anything below a C.
So we're in the same boat really.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 176

I'm not really here

Someone that loves/likes/is aroused by you, TC?


Post 177

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

This post has been removed.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 178

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

That's it; I shall start my own underwear company... in the miscellaneous chat thread, I have by some quirk of fate become the Daughter of God (unfortunate acronym, but check out the name), and my first miracle was to destroy the Marks and Sparks empire... seizing the opportunity, I will fill the market with my gorgeous but well-fitting bras, and become rich, filthy RICH... smiley - bigeyes

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 179


On the subject of tits - more than a mouthful is being greedy.

On the subject of Videos and M&S undies - Yep...erm...both and it didn't put me off (or her)

On the subject of scars - a scar is more beautiful and has more meaning than any tattoo or piercing, it can represents a truely significant point in one's life. A life lived, not wasted.

On the subjest of fat - who want sto shag a bag of bones anyway?

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 180

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Right; I'm going to be serious now.

We're all terribly insecure about everything, but perhaps most of all our bodies. What we don't realise is that really, the only ones doing the judging are ourselves. When you get on a bus and see someone bigger than you, say, how often do you look at that person thinking "urgh... how hideous"? We don't; we seldom, if ever judge others as critically as we do ourselves. Have you ever read "Othello"? It's put so beautifully; the whole reason that Iago is successful in persuading Othello that Desdemona has betrayed him is by playing on Othello's innate insecurity. Why should this beautiful woman love him? Surely there's some mistake... the end is tragic, quite literally.

Don't worry, TC; I know I've rambled a lot, but I hope you get what I'm driving at.

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