This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 201

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

That is sound advice, TCK. Take it from an expert (well, experienced then)! I may have had some difficulties understanding women in my time (boy, did I ever - sheesh!) but WHEN I did it always made the difference.

Here, have a café au lait on me! And a calvados too!

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 202

The Caffeine Kid

Thanks....hmmmm.... I managed to get two 200G jars of Nescafé at the local somerfield for a fiver, which is dead good, I though. That should keep me going for a week or so... LOL

Maybe I should have posted the "potted version" of my advice first, and not gone off on a ramble, but I wanted to back it up with personal experience and "proof".... {sigh}

Oh well, back to my homework.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 203

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - smiley

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 204

Trillian's child

Thank you for those helpful words I should have come here for support earlier.

But if I'm hung up about what I look like, I am not going to believe anyone who tells me it doesn't matter, or worse still "You look great". I think I am talking for most of the population that it all starts in the head. If I am not satisfied with myself, I can never feel at ease in others' company or in bed.

This explains for example why redundancy really ruins marriages, people's self-esteem is undermined by their situation and the first thing to give is the libido.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 205

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Just be thankful the comments weren't directed at you, Trillian's Child. Everyone here knows he was talking about me.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 206

The Caffeine Kid

I wasnt talking to GB, Trillian's Child, I was talking to you and trying to show you by example the personality counts more than your physical appearance. If you have a good personality, which I'm sure you have, you will find the love you seek... {{snuggles}}

I'm sorry (again) if I caused anyone any upset, I hold no malice towards anyone on this planet (except the mother of my daughter - lets just leave it at that), and I'm a lover not a fighter.

I have recently had a bit of a "jaw on the floor" experience, but normal service has resumed. {smile}

I have a life, that I'm building on and the only person that can make me happy right now is me, and I have to be my own best friend rather than my own worst enemy for a change.

{{hugging everyone on h2g2 and the 'net in general}}

Maybe you all find happiness in your own way.

*thinks: "wow, Prozac kicks in quicker than I heard"*


Post 207

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

For the record: virginity is just a bad habit, waiting to be broken. Also for the record: the only unnatural sex act is that which can't be performed.

Lost mine at 12, after reading "Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask" and "The Happy Hooker". Took them both as equally valid instruction manuals, and decided to give it a whirl with a lad I had had a crush on since I was 7. No problems, no trauma, and started me off on a happy whirl of amoral sluttery til I was about 20. Then AIDS became a big issue, decided the time was ripe to be a little more cautious. Have since practiced celibacy at times--once for over 2 years, just because creating friction with strangers or bores has lost its charm. Much prefer waiting for someone who arouses my passion, starting with my head and working his way down. Don't stop now--even if I scream!


Post 208

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

WOW! This is a long conversation! thought I was toward the beginning, and popped up here! Gotta figure out exactly how this thing works...

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 209

Trillian's child

TCK you are so right when you say "I have a life, that I'm building on and the only person that can make me happy right now is me" and I know that. But something inside me still can't be bothered. Where do I go to find motivation?

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 210

The Caffeine Kid

Good to see you Mother of God... {kisses}

Thanks Trillian, I said that, and I'm trying to do that, but you are right, its very tough...

A million people can tell you you are a wonderful person, but if you told listen and can't believe it, then you dont get anywhere....

*you* have to tell *yourself* you are a good person, and give yourself a list of reasons why... ones that are irrefutable...

The only persons opinion of you that matters is YOURS... it has to be a positive one... xxxx


Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 211

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Hi Trillian!
If you feel you are scrounging for reasons to validate yourself, then it might be time to create a list of qualities you admire and respect , and then make a serious effort to incorporate them in your own personality.

{nibbles TCK's ears}

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 212

The Caffeine Kid

*shiver down my spine*

wow... you certainly have a good GRASP of my erogenous zones... one in particular...



Post 213

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

"It is common superstition that ALL boys worry about size - and only feel attracted to girls who've got it. Me, I could'nt care less. Sure "big girls" can be nice to look at, but several of my girlfriends were very petite indeed - they too were very nice to look at and I loved everyone of them! As a matter of fact I believe cupsizes can only bee too big - never too small!
Glad I got that off my chest... hehe"

This was a quote from a different thread. I think it fits better here.

Please let me know what you think.



Post 214

I'm not really here

I read an article in Cosmo yesterday where men picked underwear for their girlfriends.
They nearly all picked push-up bras. So I guess whether men mind about big or small boobs or not, they like to see cleavage.


Post 215

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I guess you are right. Maybe. A lot of men never buy underwear. (Not even for themselves, I have met men who never ever bought clothes. They left that to their mothers and later their wives - but that is beside the point, of course).


Post 216

The Caffeine Kid

What you can't get in your hands or mouth is wasted, boob wise, that's what I have always said... smiley - smiley

I have bought underwear and clothes but never bought condoms from a chemist.... LOL.... I have bought them from machines in toilets, but have always been much to shy and embarrased to buy them from a PERSON. Am I a silly billy or what? smiley - winkeye


Post 217


Well, at least you *buy* them, no matter where from. Being shy is much better than being irresponsible, after all...


Post 218

I'm not really here

I am happy to buy condoms from anywhere.
"Look how much sex I'm going to be having, aren't you all jealous?" is my attitute. smiley - smiley


Post 219

The Caffeine Kid

Does that mean you goto the chemist in a fork-lift truck? LOL

That would make the blood drain from everyones faces with total jealousy... hehehe


Post 220

I'm not really here

I don't have that much sex!!
Nowhere near as much as I'd like.

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