This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 221

The Caffeine Kid

yeah, tell me about it babe...

I think I would be just about happy with twice a day, lots without being too greedy.

But I'm lucky to get it twice a week, sometimes twice a month. lol

Last Sunday was a great exception, but they dont cum along that often


Post 222


Forgive me for barging in, but couldn't pass up a condom thread without posting my little bit...

Years ago I bought (at CondomNation in Boston...I think they have changed their name, though...too bad) a condom in a package that said "My First Time" and had directions for use printed right on the package. I bought it in anticipation of the day when I would know my eldest daughter might be considering the possibility of sex. And I bought it as more a giggle than anything else. Well...the "day" came when she was 18. I went up to her room and sat on her bed, chatted about the boyfriend and then handed her the condom. Even though we had talked many times about sex and condoms and anything else, she turned bright red. "Oh, mom. That's a bit much even from you." Oh well...I bet she'll look back and laugh about it many years from now smiley - smiley


Post 223

Trillian's child

Things are obviously swinging back to more modesty and prudeness since the freedom of the sixties and seventies when this generation of parents grew up. I have heard other tales of mothers embarassing their offspring with their crudeness or openness.

For my part, I have no problems sharing a risque joke with my kids. They might, but I don't!


Post 224

Demon Drawer

Well I was sitting at a meal once and my mother told my sister-in-law and a family freind exactly where and when me and my brother were conceived talk about embaressment.


Post 225

The Caffeine Kid

I was born in August 1970... so take nice months from that and it makes me a last shag of the sixties.... LOL

I'm a child of free love smiley - winkeye


Post 226

Demon Drawer

Well I have 11 months on you. I was a bump when man bumped into the moon.


Post 227

The Caffeine Kid

I'm pissed out of me head, dd, so you will have to tell me if that means you are 11 months younger or 11 months older...

I have been off having "mentrual sex" tonight.... not as bad as I imagined, but not something you have to worry about {big smile}

Live long and prosper....

{hugging h2g2 in its entirety witha couple of exepions}

love you all.... xxx


Post 228

The Caffeine Kid

I have had a lovely night ... cant think of anywhre in the world that I would have rather been.

I love being with ******** and I hope she feels the same.... xxx


Post 229


11 months older Man bumped into the moon in July 1969


Post 230

I'm not really here

I was born in May 1970 so a 60's shag also.
Never thought of it like that b4.


Post 231

The Caffeine Kid

"YEAH BABY!!" {in my best Austin Powers voice}



Post 232

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

smiley - bigeyes


Post 233

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

In my opinion the sixties (I mean the sixties we are talking about here) started with Beatles, Stones and Dylan being popular worldwide - must have been aprox. 1965? - and lasted till the socalled first oilcrisis in 1972/1973. You follow?

Ah, well, back to the issue: I loved the sixties, but they weren't ALL that they are now said to have been. The media always focus on what's new in the world. But we still had a lot of the old stuff back then - and still do: War, corrupt politicians, prudeness, cheap music - you name it!

I'm still not back to the issue, am I? Well here goes: Use condoms! If you think they are not very pleasant try to change diapers!

Or worse: Watch one of your loved ones die of AIDS

This concludes todays sermon...

Love all around!


Post 234

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Yeah- condoms rock!
*looks sheepish*
So ummm, yeah. Good point there mate.

And another thing...

Post 235

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Did you ever wonder about the difference between what you thought was your dreampartner - and what you actually got?

A recent survey strongly indicated that the majority of women preferred men with a limited quantity of body hair.

But: A further investigation showed that 7 out of 10 women who had this attitude were partners with very hairy men...


Maybe we choose our partners for completely different reasons than we think ourselves?

Thinking back I realize that I may never have had a dreampartner...

And another thing...

Post 236

I'm not really here

I always use condoms. A great invention.
And I don't have a dreampartner, but my mates call me a chubby chaser as I always seem to end up with blokes that are slighty tubby.
It's just coincidence. I was with a really skinny bloke for 2 years. He says I must have thought he was going to get fat. smiley - sadface

And another thing...

Post 237

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Hey, I am slightly tubby (to say the least)! Why are you living so far away from me? smiley - winkeye

And another thing...

Post 238

I'm not really here

I don't know, I don't even know where you live.

And another thing...

Post 239

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Denmark, way down in the southeast corner

And another thing...

Post 240

I'm not really here

That is a long way.
I went to Denmark a year or so ago, but I only saw Legoland, and a teeny bit of the country.

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