This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 281

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

This post has been removed.


Post 282

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

You mean it wasn't at all difficult to lose it with the cheerleader, or, deflated?


Post 283

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

Tweetie, virginity is merely another bad habit to break. But no pressure--you'll know when the time's ripe, darlin'.


Post 284

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Save it for someone you lovesmiley - tongueout


Post 285

Researcher 154901

Oh no I loved her Magnolia gradiflora, I lost it before we even started. I should have known better than to trust a cheer leader. My intimacy she apparently had not wanted. The night was magical with sparks barely containded my mind was running overtime my body on overload.


Post 286

Researcher 154920

I was 18 when I lost my virginity. I was scared shitless but plowed ahead because I had thought of little else but getting laid since I had been about 10. My buddy Bert was home on leave from Viet Nam, and he and his gf and his gf's friend Watia picked me up at my house. At some point Bert announced that they had two motel rooms, one for them and one for us.

I was ready but unprepared, whatever prepared might have meant. Watia was a black woman with creamy chocolate skin and very ample bosoms. As we walked up the exterior stairs to our room, the words "You're not a man until you split a black oak" played in my head.

I don't remember my orgasm, only that it came too quickly. Did I even have my jeans off yet? I remember fondly Watia's enormous soft jugs and some brief fumbling. And then spending the night, spent, with a stranger. Luckily, I've gotten better since.


Post 287

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

LOL!!!!! I BET you have, Ca'pn smiley - winkeye


Post 288


hi iwas 16 i lost mine to my husband it took all of 2 seconds i never felt a thing and wondered what all the fuss was about i think i must have lost mine to a tampax i never had no pain i was told of .my hubbie had done it with the school bike i found out later i maried him still together 20 years on but had numerouse affais i feel i gets better as you get older but i dont have sex with my hubbie no more i carnt stand him


Post 289

Trillian's child

Which meaning of the word "hard" are we to assume here?


Post 290

Trillian's child

Sorry, I was a bit late on the draw with that question. forget it.


Post 291

Researcher 154920

Check-out girl, in my head, I have tried every imaginable position to do it with a school bike as you said that your husband did. I would like to hear more about this pairing. Do you know if your husband lost his virginity on the school bike? You say that he no longer has sex with you. Have you tried something from Victoria's Secret and playing love games, perhaps you pretending to be a Jet Ski or a Harley.


Post 292


its not that he dont want sex with me i dont want sex with him and i do have all the sexy gear although very tastefull i would say i dont go short


Post 293

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Why do you stay with someone you don't love?
You only have one life...why spend it unhappy?
I presume you are having an affair; isn't it worse to cheat
whilst married, than divorce & do what you want to?


Post 294

Researcher 154901

Hey. Its all great to me. Here I was a tender shoot with many things to be. Years later later I look back while standing on the tips of leaves, and when that branch started was that Gods destiny? Why there that moment that "sign" was not told to me. I turned this here other road and down there that turned into me.


Post 295

Researcher 154920

Can you loose your virginity twice?


Post 296

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

According to this forum you can...


Post 297

Will Jenkins (Dead)

I hope so


Post 298

The Caffeine Kid

I guess there are different kinds of "virginity", quite a few.

The main one I guess is a once over for a guy, but maybe if a woman went without making love for a long time the hymen would grow back? LOL


Post 299

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

Born again virgins? hehehe smiley - winkeye As someone once said, there's another one born every minute....


Post 300

Trillian's child

this has given the subject a new lease of life.

Who's going to start talking about their first kiss, their first love, their first blow-job - all a form of losing one's virginity. Or when you first realised there was no Father Christmas - part of growing up.

Personally, the physical act of losing my virginity was nothing to write home about. Other experiences had a far greater effect on me and gave my growing up process a bigger boost. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Was it my first bra? Was it the first time I drove a car on my own? Was it the first paycheque? When did I grow up? Who can remember exactly?

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