This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 141

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Hey; I'm a 17 year old necrophiliac, and I'm still okay...

Em; leading the way for precocious necrophiliacs in all corners of the globe


Post 142

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Ok, now I'm freaked.
smiley - bigeyes


Post 143

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Well... near-necrophilia. "People-who-are-lying-very-still-philia", if you will.


Post 144

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Explain please...


Post 145

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I persuade my boyfriend to lie very, very still...

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 146

Trillian's child

I've been pondering on variations on the best friend/little sister syndrome.

What if

* Big brother comes in and finds little brother losing his V. to a good friend (of big brother's)
* Big sister comes in and finds little brother losing his V. to a good friend (of big sister's)
* Big sister comes in and finds little sister losing her V. to a good friend (of big sister's)

None of these situations would result in a punch up as far as I can see. What is it about big brothers and little sisters?

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 147

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Fathers hardly ever accept their daughters are growing up...
Maybe big brothers still see their little sisters as "little" in their minds...
Emily: You are very welcome to chat here, but would you please start your own thread on necrophilia...smiley - winkeye

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 148

I'm not really here

I said it before, and I'l say it again.
Is my family weird? As my big brothers and I all talk about sex all the time. My eldest brother especially, I go to with my problems, and he tells me his. He doesn't mind when I sleep with his mates, although he does tell me I pick the wrong ones.
Sometimes we even talk about sleeping with the same people.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 149


My sister and I are close enough to confide in each other, and to take the piss something rotten.
I have on occasion (jokingly, bien sur) told my sister that I'd beat up her boyfriends in the past. However, she tends to go for rugby-player types who're 3in & 3 stone larger than me, so actually getting violent with them was somewhat unlikely... smiley - winkeye

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 150

I'm not really here

Strangely enough, my brother offers to beat up men if they won't sleep with me, until they agree that I am the best thing that ever happened to them and let me have my wicked way.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 151

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)


Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 152

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

No, Mina, your family is not weird.
I think you're very lucky.
My sister and I have ~no~ secrets.
My brothers are very protective of me, even now, but my older one lives away and I only see my younger one very infrequently as our social lives are very different {he has no kids} get-togethers are a hoot though.

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 153

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Tats sounds better than mine. my familly gatherings are full of people stopping me from killing my cosans, uncals, antis, and anyone else who happens to be arround. they are convinced that they will be infected by jenny or somthing, I dont blame them for being scerd of what they dont understand I do blame them for making verry nasty comments.
This is weird I protect my older brother he is absoluty pathetic. he does not understand that some people only want one thing off him and that is his money. the fool has lots of mony and is not botherd to spred it arround. nither am I but there are places you do not do it and he has not realised it yet. the amount of times he has gon out side with a nice looking girl only to almost be mugged is rediculas,
although he is not a vergin and I am he has no real idea of what he is doing round whomen (Neather do I but I have a better one than him) the only thing which has been any use is the fact that I have now got him together with a friend of mine who is looking after the poor dear smiley - smiley

Virginity and siblings' losing it

Post 154

V (I'm going to be a Daddy :-D) Officaly the bloke who carrys Bob home ;-)

You dont give James enough crdit for his own common sence you also should not let them bother you so much. you need to take the Kickboxing back up you are getting to angery and Guitare strings can only take so much.


Post 155

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Wish I was a necrophiliac too - would have made me enjoy some of the women I have met more... smiley - smiley


Post 156

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Whoever said women were bitchy!
Nice one, Pierce.


Post 157

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Hehehe. Well, I know I've dissapointed one or two girls too in my life (or twenty, who knows?). Being drunk and all, you know... Ah, whattheheck, that's life, innit?


Post 158

David St. Hubbins - Keeper Of Quality Footware

Babe, I think it's time for a new thread, as "Virginity" seems to have mutated into "Necrophilia" in one scarily easy step.

Anyway, I'm off down the cemetary for something to eat.


Post 159

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Type O Negative (You know, the gothrock band with the incredibly huge vocalist Peter Steele (featured in PlayGirl...) had a song:

"Loving you
was like loving the dead"


Post 160

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That's it!
I'm out of here!
Anyone without any interest in the dead, dead things, wanting to have sex with dead things, is VERY welcome to pop over to my other threads!
The rest of you can carry on posting about dead things here.

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