A Conversation for Ask h2g2
What news story etc etc
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Sep 1, 2012
Someone has broken into Canada's Strategic
Maple Syrup reserves and tapped off 30 million.
What news story etc etc
Maria Posted Sep 1, 2012
Spanish 'Robin Hood' marchers cross Andalucía, watched by wary police
<<Flash occupations of bank branches and an empty luxury country hotel have kept his small Andalucian Workers' Union in the headlines as debate rages about a style of direct action that attracts those seeking radical change to Spain's current diet of soaring unemployment, recession and harsh austerity.
<<Gordillo and his lieutenant Diego Cañamero insist that the supermarket raids at Ecija and in nearby Arcos were symbolic. The idea had been to highlight how, instead, the rich are now stealing from the poor.
The reaction of the Spanish Goverment and most of the media has consisted of insulting, telling lies.... and mainly remind the rest of citizens that law equals to ethics.
The fear of the establisment is justified since along history, here and everywhere, most of the basic human rights have been achieved by disobeying the law and fighting those in the power.
What news story etc etc
Xanatic Posted Sep 3, 2012
Robots shut down a science fiction awards show.
What news story etc etc
U14993989 Posted Sep 4, 2012
Olympics bad for Business:
What news story etc etc
Pink Paisley Posted Sep 4, 2012
UK government cabinet re-shuffled.
David Laws who resigned amid (from memory) £40,000 worth of rent expenses fiddling is back.
As an ex-Lib Dem this is just another reason why I can't ever go back.
I suspect if my employers caught me fiddling £40 worth of expenses, I would be sacked and wouldn't be invited back.
What news story etc etc
HonestIago Posted Sep 4, 2012
If it was someone on benefits, they'd be jailed and pilloried in the media. Laws should be in a cell, not in government.
They've also appointed as Equality Minister someone who defends homophobic and racist abuse as freedom of speech.
What news story etc etc
anhaga Posted Sep 5, 2012
"PQ to form minority government"
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swl Posted Sep 5, 2012
Mars object to deep fried Mars Bars -
"Mars has written to the owners saying the product is not authorised or endorsed as it does not fit the company's promotion of healthy living."
Yeah, a stodgy lump of fats and sugar is part of "healthy living"?
Meh, they're behind the times anyway. The current delicacy of choice up here is the Deep Fried Chocolate Chip Muffin
What news story etc etc
KB Posted Sep 5, 2012
Mars bars are the healthiest food in the world! I can understand the company's concerns if health-foods like this are being sold encased in dangerous substances like water and flour.
What news story etc etc
Pirate Alexander LeGray Posted Sep 5, 2012
I've never had a deep fried Mars bar; I've always considered it to be a health food like broccoli, essential for diabetics.
What news story etc etc
Pink Paisley Posted Sep 7, 2012
Swedish prossecutor says of Julian Assange "I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape."
Arrest warrant cancelled.
That should fuel the conspiracy theories.
What news story etc etc
anhaga Posted Sep 8, 2012
If only society way: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v489/n7414/full/489170a.html
"You're not allowed Science anymore!"
What news story etc etc
U14993989 Posted Sep 8, 2012
That is a weirdly political article appearing in what purports to be a science journal. There is no mention of the mixed messages the individual is exposed to in the neo-liberal capitalistic society that has been constructed around her.
What news story etc etc
U14993989 Posted Sep 8, 2012
It's not news but a five minute interview with a self confessed nerd - someone called Ben Goldacre:
What news story etc etc
Rod Posted Sep 8, 2012
What a great idea!
Sunday Star-Times: (re Christchurch rebuild)
"Anglicans in Christchurch are talking about sharing a cathedral with the Catholics, a move that would have worldwide ramifications"
What news story etc etc
Pirate Alexander LeGray Posted Sep 9, 2012
So what is the first thing to do when becoming in charge of the NHS; talk about making it easier to kill people.
So now we have two ministers that want to change the law on assisted suicide working in the NHS and the Hunt in charge who tried to stop the tribute to the NHS at the Olympics.
Obviously they didn't read the bible; thou shall not commit murder,and I believe it to be a sin to take your own life.Letting others do it is the same thing.
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What news story etc etc
- 13561: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Sep 1, 2012)
- 13562: Atticus (Sep 1, 2012)
- 13563: Maria (Sep 1, 2012)
- 13564: Xanatic (Sep 3, 2012)
- 13565: U14993989 (Sep 4, 2012)
- 13566: Pink Paisley (Sep 4, 2012)
- 13567: HonestIago (Sep 4, 2012)
- 13568: anhaga (Sep 5, 2012)
- 13569: swl (Sep 5, 2012)
- 13570: KB (Sep 5, 2012)
- 13571: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Sep 5, 2012)
- 13572: Pink Paisley (Sep 7, 2012)
- 13573: swl (Sep 7, 2012)
- 13574: Pink Paisley (Sep 7, 2012)
- 13575: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Sep 7, 2012)
- 13576: anhaga (Sep 8, 2012)
- 13577: U14993989 (Sep 8, 2012)
- 13578: U14993989 (Sep 8, 2012)
- 13579: Rod (Sep 8, 2012)
- 13580: Pirate Alexander LeGray (Sep 9, 2012)
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