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What news story etc etc

Post 13621


Ooooh! The world's largest QR code! smiley - coolhttp://www.cbc.ca/news/offbeat/story/2012/09/09/calgary-guinness-world-record.html

What news story etc etc

Post 13622


Teachers don't get enough holidays


Poor dears.

What news story etc etc

Post 13623


"I found university rankings interesting. "

There is an aspect to this that is like ranking different fruit. I suppose it's all part of the commercialisation and globalisation of education from lower to higher.

What news story etc etc

Post 13624


>>There is an aspect to this that is like ranking different fruit. I suppose it's all part of the commercialisation and globalisation of education from lower to higher.<<

I'd agree with this and I've got a professional interest in the field. There is no such thing as a 'best' university: only a 'best for me' one. The exception to this rule is Oxbridge and the University of London colleges: they seem to attract an extra cachet.

What news story etc etc

Post 13625

Pink Paisley

Extra 'cachet' doesn't make something best though does it, so the same 'best for me' rule still applies.

A Ralph Lauren polo shirt isn't necessarily 'the best' is it. At least it isn't for me.


What news story etc etc

Post 13626


At Humboldt State, Football Worth the Price:


The article eventually segues into a discussion of football, but leads with:

ARCATA, Calif. — The Marching Lumberjacks, surely one of the country’s more irreverent college bands, had launched into “Misirlou.”


What news story etc etc

Post 13627


Human bones found under a council car park in Leicester, England.

They could be the bones of the villainous Richard III who made the princes in the Tower disappear (later found). Richard III was slain in the battle of Boswell in 1485, and the tudor Henry VII became King. Of course some claim that Henry VII was a usurping bustard and that Richard III was a noble saint rather than a hunchbacked evil-doer ...


What news story etc etc

Post 13628


Leader of Respect Party Salma Yaqoob quits blaming breakdown in "Respect"

... following Respect MP's George Galloways comment that it wasn't necessary for men to get consent from the women they wanted to have sex with, to have sex with them (he later clarified the remark)


What news story etc etc

Post 13629

Pirate Alexander LeGray

I can't remember him saying that; looks like he might get richer still from the beeb.

Couldn't have anything to do with Assange could it; he's just plain greedy and expected two helpings for the price of one.

What I don't understand is the amount of fuss; if a lorry driver or even an airline pilot got so greedy you wouldn't get this fuss.

What news story etc etc

Post 13630

Pirate Alexander LeGray

The beeb couldn't be a pile of lies and propoganda could it smiley - rofl

I actually saw this on the beeb.


What news story etc etc

Post 13631

Pirate Alexander LeGray

Now for something different and useful;

advances in treatment of that horrible disease which was incurable have been discovered; looks like it would make a good 'A' level case study in Applied Maths.


Last time I had an x-ray they found that I had swapped cancer for the incurable RCA disease smiley - rofl how lucky can I get.smiley - cheers

What news story etc etc

Post 13632


smiley - coolhttp://m.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/science/2012/09/12/001-jupiter-objet-collision.shtml

What news story etc etc

Post 13633

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

New born baby's legs found on Tooting Common... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-19580860

smiley - yikes

What news story etc etc

Post 13634

Pink Paisley

This time I have spotted that this is old news.


However in view of the upset over the firm selling Thatcher Death Party Packs (surely no Thatcherite could object to this bit of opportunistic business?), it seems to me that there are a number of opportunities as illustrated by the Guardian article.

Naming rights anybody?

The Do-It-All Margaret Thatcher Official Funeral?


What news story etc etc

Post 13635

Pirate Alexander LeGray

I wouldn't dare sign it cos she might send the SAS in. But I think she should pay for her own.

What news story etc etc

Post 13636

logicus tracticus philosophicus

interesting..shows the complete lack of clarity...should the Dr or whomever ordered the order be charged for attempted murder/manslaughter

What news story etc etc

Post 13637


Good find - a very interesting story and partly relevant to the "suicide" / "assisted-suicide" debate.

Of course it is different because there is no "assistance" - the doctors "wait" for the patient's body to go into an arrest and then allow things to take their "natural" course.

I would be interested in learning of the legal aspects of the case. On the face of it, it seems that medical doctors have legal powers for a "do not resuscitate" order. I wonder if there are any legal limits in the justification arguments that can be used when imposing a "DNR"?

What news story etc etc

Post 13638


ps Both the above two post's have been reposted to the "right to life" thread.

What news story etc etc

Post 13639


A blood test for Mad Cow disease/KJD may be on the horizon: http://www.abc.net.au/rural/news/content/201209/s3588391.htm

What news story etc etc

Post 13640

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

I thought a cartoon might cheer you all up.
(Steve Bell on Hillsborough)
smiley - vampire

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