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What news story has caught your attention today.

Post 18081


I was a teen a very long time ago, but don't recall any of us having much interest or knowledge about politics & history. This came up in an article about banning smartphones for certain age children. A teen argued that they were more politically aware & informed by having phones, but of course that depends on the reliability of the sources of their info.

Not sure that Covid has anything much to do with it.

What news story has caught your attention today.

Post 18082


I cycle by St Mary's Stadium smiley - football on the way to work. Recently I saw that they've build a giant cage around the grounds, which I thought was a great idea to keep the overpaid footballers in and stop them from escaping into the community. But apparently a this is a 'fan zone' which will let them put up a telly to broadcast things like the Olympics.

There is also going to be a '4G playing area' although I'm not sure what the 4G will be playing. Possibly a kazoo.

Also "there will be food and drink stalls outside the Kingsland Stand, which will be the new home of away fan." which implies that away fans are no longer allowed inside the stadium any more.



What news story has caught your attention today.

Post 18083

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

We have a dedicated stadium railway station with a direct route from the train platform to inside the stadium. This route is cordoned off with shipping containers with riot police on top of them (when in use). This makes the away fans feel really welcome.

What news story has caught your attention today.

Post 18084


St Mary's Stadium was built right next to the site of what was Northam Station between the 1830s and 1960s, and when the stadium was built they said they hoped that they could put a basic platform back so fans could have a basic park and ride scheme from the airport. Sadly the railway company have gone out of their way to block any proposal to use the line, so the station was never rebuilt.


What news story has caught your attention today.

Post 18085


So the UK's election was yesterday, at 5am this morning the former Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak conceded defeat with about 2/3rds of constituencies declared, he's offered his resignation to the king, Sir Kier Starmer popped to the Palace to offer his services in leading the country to His Majesty he now leads the Labour government with its largest ever majority, and moved into 10 Downing Street as Larry the Cat's sixth Prime Minister.


What news story has caught your attention today.

Post 18086

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Been checking for the past three weeks. Didn't see much difference so far. (even when comparing to 30 years ago)

What news story has caught your attention today.

Post 18087


In a shocking debasement of sport, most nations give their Olympic medalists cash prizes for winning medals smiley - yikes
What happened to it being the taking part that counts?

I've no objection to nations sponsoring athletes in all disciplines to allow them to be coached and train, to thus be able to concentrate on being at their best.
And afterwards, the winners - as long as they are reasonably talkative, keep their noses clean and do nothing controversial - can use their success to get on the pundit or lecture circuit, be a sport presenter, motivational speakers at conferences, write their autobiographies, launch perfume brands and generally the world of light entertainment and advertising is their oyster.

Back in the old days winners got to bung a bunch of leaves on their heads and enjoy the bragging rights.


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