A Conversation for Ask h2g2

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 181

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

I thought we had an eye-rolling smiley! smiley - blush
Quite an imagination you have...smiley - erm
Delusional, I say. Completely delusional.smiley - winkeye

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 182

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I am going to split the atom for fun, immersing my mind and soul in the sheer joy of pure science.

You see great economic potential in harnessing an atomic power supply to provide limitless social and industrial benefits.

They are building a doomsday machine.

smiley - wizardsmiley - peacedove

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 183

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> Tell that to the disappointed crowd in the Supply and Demand thread! <<

I would if I could, but I have not been able to find it.
At least not with those keywords in an h2g2 search.

smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 184

You can call me TC

So they still haven't fixed it so you can search for thread titles? I've been campaigning for that for at least 2 years now.


smiley - popcornsmiley - popcornsmiley - popcornsmiley - popcorn

I hate the way he forces his opinion on me the whole time.
You two always agree on everything.
She loves her husband.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 185

The Groob

I am a people person
You are inquisitive
He is nosey

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 186

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

[meeting new friends]

I'm quite gregarious and like to make myself welcome but I know it can seem a bit presumptuous to others betimes.

You can be downright rude, forcing yourself on people like that.

He has no respect for others, constantly invading their privacy and abusing their generosity.

smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 187


I am discriminating and discerning.
You know what you like.
He is high maintenance.
smiley - winkeye

Apologies if it's been done before!

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 188

The Groob

I am 'I'
You are 'We'
The Queen is 'one'

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 189

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I like to be able to validate my decisions with reasonable and rational explanations for any of my actions which might seem odd to a casual observer.

You usually think before you act and can often justify most of your eccentricities when challenged.

He starts back-pedalling and making up all sorts of hogwash excuses to support his strange behaviours.

smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 190

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - wizard

For them, s**t happens.

For you, feces occur.

For me, excrement occasions itself.

smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 191


i have the perfect plan
arrogant git thinks he knows all
there are a fwe good ideas though

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 192

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I had my suspicions right from the start.

You were a bit spooked by it all.

They never saw it coming and damn near s88t themselves in paranoic palpatations when it all came out.

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 193

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> there are a fwe good ideas though <<

As the arrogant git who founded and maintains this thread I must point out that 'there' is the worst possible faux pas.

Some, myself highly among them, would find it a grand old laugh to see "there" for "they're" but sadly we are not the final arbitars and there are Rules.

House Rules, by implication, have impetus in silly game threads and here we allow only the first, second and third person pronouns to apply. "There" is not a personal pronoun; it is a bad pun or a stupid mistake.

I mention that I am the founder of this thread not just to make a egoistic point but to indicate to you my possible awareness that you, as a supposed newbie cyber-ventillating on four other threads, would only have found this long dormant thread of mine if you were previously subscribed to it.

I guess I'd better check out your homepage and see who you really are.

smiley - run

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 194


well ok then
they were just words,
they souded amusing with regard to my own conversations in the other posts
i dont have very good english, so how can i know if my grammery type stuff is wrong.
as to, the rest of your tosh, its exactly that. i really am new here.
i dont know how your particular thread came up( maybe because someone said somthing and it came to the top of a list.
there are several in this list i havnt even looked at yes.

then i figured out how to look up the archive and i had a quick absorption of the 90's and lifted a few i thought should be kept alive.
i plan on reading every single post in the archive at some point.
unlike some i dont just selectivly read and respond with a narrow point of view.
as i have said i have had a really restricted entry to manhood(not much contact with intalectuals or the like), so i do have a million ideas i need to get off my chest.
i however will continue to study what everyone else haqs said and evolve.
how far have you come since you joined this community?

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 195

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> how far have you come since you joined this community? <<

I cannot think of it in linear terms like how far, as if there were some inherent progress to be made in a journey down some unknown path toward some distant goal. Rather, I see it as an expansion in all dimensions (however many you may imagine) of everything that I was before.

Some specific areas of growth would include patience. But I have also grown more intolerant in many ways. Especially of certain predictable and beligerent attitudes. I have quite abandoned all the irrational hope I used to have for a better world, but I care much more about more present and immediate people and things.

And while I also have gained a greater insight into the manifold meanings behind the written words of others I am much slower to pass judgement than I used to be. I have learned that skill with English is not the only marker of intelligence on this planet.

Now please get some sleep and quit interrupting my wonderful thread with your need for understanding.
smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 196

A Super Furry Animal

I think the universe revolves around me.
You think your name is GiGaBaNE.
He thinks that he's in need of some *guidance*.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 197


I sometimes contrive a bon mot.
You are adept at puns.
He is ~jwf~

smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 198

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

Ohh, this looks like fun

I draw my sword and step, gingerly through the door
You see a goblin holding a very sharp looking sword
He raises it above his head and brings it down in a vicious sweeping arc

hmm, methinks mayhaps I've been playing too much DnD

smiley - cheers

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 199


with a bad dungeon master.
sounds more like the hobbit, the old speccy RPG game

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 200



I have a picture in front of me of six guys carrying out a huge rock on a cattle grate.
You may ask why this rock is so important that we felt the need to carry it six tenths of a mile over rough terrain.
This rock is banded iron formation, almost a billion years old, and will look really cool in front of the department office.

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