A Conversation for Ask h2g2

1st, 2nd & 3rd Persons

Post 161

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I fight proudly alongside our (choose nationality) brothers to restore peace and freedom in their homeland.

You deploy patriotic native volunteers as skirmishers to ensure stability in a troubled region.

They exploit local mercenaries as cannon fodder and assassins in their war of exploitation.

smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesign

1st, 2nd & 3rd Persons

Post 162


I can honestly say that most of the stuff going on in the world right now makes no sense.

You don't seem to want to think about it, let alone understand it.

They are all just brain-washed by the media into believing someone is in control.

smiley - smiley
Didn't mean to be so bleak.........

I am unusual looking
You are attractive
They are beautiful

smiley - winkeye

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 163


I'm thinking
You look puzzled
He hasn't got a clue!

Close?? smiley - cheers

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 164

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> Close?? <<

Yes. Perfect.
smiley - cheers
Both of you (gadarene and supergrandad) seem to have grasped the concept. Which brings much satisfaction to this old head. And new life to this old thread.
smiley - wizard
Now go forth and continue to see the world in 3 dimensions and encourage others to widen their perspectives. I have faith in 'you', even if I still have doubts about 'them'.
smiley - peacedove

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 165

The Groob

I'm unpredictable

You're volatile

They're a psycho

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 166

You can call me TC

You *can* use the singulars (or was that intentional?)

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 167


I know it's in reverse order, but here's one from the Radio Times. Griff Rhys Jones having written about the preferences of the late Frankie Howerd concluded:

They are "queer".
You are "gay".
I am "never married".

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 168

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> You *can* use the singulars (or was that intentional?) <<

Well now that plaguesville has also used 'they', I have to acknowledge TC's point at least to scratch me old head and wonder why plagie didn't say he or she.

Oh wait, it's probably because there is a gender bias among gays, the girls are lesbians and the guys are queers right? Funny though that there are two genders of homosexuals. Doesn't seem logical somehow. Typical though.

But yeah, TC is correct, the singular of the third person can be used as 'he', 'she', or 'it'. Mind you when all of 'them' get together they do become a they.

And of course when gender is either unknown or the statement is a universal reference the plural forms 'they' and 'them' can be used to represent the singular.

For example: "AnyONE reading this should be aware that 'they' are reading this on a computer screen and no one will be reading it out loud to 'them'."

So in that sense when plagie says 'They are queer' he means the individual, perhaps a specific indiviual, who is neither me or thee.

Well glad we got that straight.
smiley - laugh


1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 169

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

I have a refined appreciation for exquisite food
You are just a slight bit obsessed with that kebab van
He's a flabby, pie-faced, uber-foodeater

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 170



"Well now that plaguesville has also used 'they', I have to acknowledge TC's point at least to scratch me old head and wonder why plagie didn't say he or she. "

Having set yourself a particularly apposite question and formulated a spectacularly thorough analysis before reaching a solution based on a careful consideration of it, I have to say that it was a direct quote and I didn't give a thought to singular or plural.

smiley - sorry

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 171

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Yes, somewhere in my enthusiasm for 'analysis' I suppressed the fact that the Radio Times was entirely responsible. It was my intention to take a swipe at them too. But some nagging subconscious awareness that they (the lot from the Radio Times) would probably not be interested in defending themselves made it seem somehow... pointless.
smiley - biggrin

I try to get it right the first time and stand by what I say, everready to amend or update if necessary.

You are at least willing to explain your errors and oversights when pressed.

They pay no attention to the impact of their gaffs, totally oblivious to the consequences of their careless and misinformed constructions.

smiley - cheers

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 172


I may be able to conceal my mistake.
You are continually recovering your blunders.
~jwf~ can create a revealing truism at the drop of a hat.

smiley - cheers

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 173




Couldn't care lass smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 174

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

You know, the Daily Telegraph has been printing these for almost (but rather tellingly, not quite) as long as this thread has been running.

Hope you lot are enjoying the royalty cheques smiley - ok

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 175


Feels in pocket, looks in wallet , not a lot smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 176

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I am inspired by greatness,
You use references wisely,
They don't have an original thought in their heads.

smiley - biggrin

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 177

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

I'm tired
You look under the weather
He's wasted
smiley - geek

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 178

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> ...the Daily Telegraph has been printing these for almost (but rather tellingly, not quite) as long as this thread has been running. <<

Do tell.
smiley - thief

Well if they are having a positive effect on people's ability to see others' points of view, it's a good thing.

As I stated in the opening posting (177 postings ago) this is not my original idea but an old syndicated newspaper feature I remember from my youth. It used to appear right beside Ripley's Believe It Or Not (which by comparison was pretty hard to swallow sometimes).

I read it daily, and it got me thinking about social perspectives and prejudices and value judgements. It did me more good emotionally, intellectually and philosophically than anything I encountered in school. It made me a better person than my heritage can account for.

All good ideas have a way of surviving. I'd like to think that the Daily Telegraph had the same notions of 'humanist good' in mind as I did when I 'borrowed' the idea. I started this thread in hopes of generating more open and tolerant attitudes and I'm sure the editors of the Daily Telegraph are equally public spirited.
smiley - cheers

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 179

You can call me TC


Tell that to the disappointed crowd in the Supply and Demand thread!

Otherwise - congratulations on your altuistic ambitions. As a person who always looks at everything from all sides anyway, and can never decide on anything as a result of this trait, I'd never thought of this thread in that light, just a bit of fun.

Or to put it another way:

He set up the thread to give us an insight into other people's point of view

You made an effort to conform with the proscribed format

I just put in a few jocular postings.

smiley - smiley

1st,2nd&3rd Persons

Post 180

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

I enjoy the stimulating conversations and lovely writing that goes on in my fandoms, and it's only reasonable that I devote some of my free time to it.smiley - zensmiley - geek
You're starting to get a tan from the computer screen.smiley - online2long
She needs to get a life.smiley - rolleyes

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