A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16841

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Yes I do not know nothing. It comes from an unfortunate head trauma I suffered when I was a wee lad of five minutes ago.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16842

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

Fair enough - the do say anotherwhack on the head is good to recover memories smiley - doctor

*prepares to hit EC with a cricket bat*

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16843

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

WAIT! I think this entire environment would be improved if I was a zombie, you were wearing a tie as a bandana, and we were in a pub. You go and get a tie, I'll go find a voodoo witchdoctor, and this place can pass for a pub methinks.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16844

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

Sounds good

*ties a tie round my head like a bandana...*

sips a PGGB

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16845

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

*an hour later* Grrrrnnnnngh... brainnnzzz. Klllllzzz harmanz!

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16846

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

smiley - yikes good thing i kept the cricket bat smiley - evilgrin

*lifts bat gets a good swing at zombie EC's head*

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16847

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Dvvvvvvvvvvv?! Wht oo dnnng Dvvv?

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16848

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

*the cricket bat swings through the air and connect with zombie EC's head with a THWACK*

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16849

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Random announcer: And it was a good strong hit and the head is going.. it's going and it's... GONE! It's a home run! Johnny K has just won the World Cup for the Boardroom Batters!

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16850

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

Yay smiley - somersault we are the champions smiley - biggrin....

I'd like to thank my team-mates, my family and the fans for making this possible....

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16851

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Random fans: smiley - applause

Headless torso: *bleeds*

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16852

IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system

He cheated!
He used fans to blow the head further!
I demand a recount!
Mark up one false start on the blocks!
Everybody return your cards to the deck and reshuffle!
Go to jail, do not pass go, and do not collect {£|$|€}200!
The needle returns to the start of the song and we all sing along like before!
smiley - whistle

smiley - erm

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16853

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

Sorry Philip.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16854

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

It's been a week since I've dropped by and other than some vomit, nothing has happened. What we need is to perpetrate a good raid.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16855

Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG

I suggest against the smiley - bleepdayites, they've been asking for it just by exsiting. LONG LIVE THING!

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16856

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

...Sometimes, even when I am drunk, things people say in here just completely fail to be amusing.

YES; calling Thur*day 'thing' was ultimtely the catylyst that spurned the BoE. NO, we do not need to reference it at all times.


This is all I have to say. Also //read h2 my blog// maybe. That will explain why I have been away for so long. Also I am somewhat inebriated right now. Woo. Thanks.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16857

Just Plain Yogurt

"Somewhat inebriated" meaning more than usual? smiley - erm

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16858

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

I think my answer, at this point, ought to be a definite 'yes.'

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16859

Just Plain Yogurt

It was rhetorical, but thank you.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16860

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Why do you live so damn far away? Seriously, you and Zato need to think about Oregon...

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