Please note that due to eddies in the space-time continuum, this page is an archeological relic of a previous instant in the history of my life. In other words, the below is woefully out of date. Sorry, and all that.
Hello, my name is not Increase Mathhrubers, Sber of Pelamar
Nor is it IMSoP, to which I generally abbreviate it (others call me IM, Increase, and Mr Mathhrubers). But that's what I'm called round here, and so it shall remain.
Actually, that wasn't originally my name here, either, but after a freak copy-and-paste incident, I decided that being named after a dead Puritan* wasn't such a great thing anyway (me being "mostly" an atheist). Shame about the "shrubber" thing, though, but I guess that wasn't strictly accurate either...
Anyhoo, after a long absence, I have recently been inveigling my way back into this madhouse. My two, rather conflicting, highlights being the silliness of my fellow Thingites and the mental exercise and fascination of discussions like The Forum.
If you were hoping for something more interesting, then, well, tough! My old personal space had much more on it, but got rather out of date; besides, I replaced it with something more important...
Slightly more sensibly*, I'm a 24-year-old long-haired geek-type person who lives in "the glorious Sunshine Coast of Eastbourne"* who commutes to Burgess Hill every day to make websites that let people book holidays to far more interesting places, and is wondering how much real information he should give out on this page*, tends to be a bit verbose and rambling*, and now has no idea whether this sentence makes any kind of sense because he's been too busy being uncontrollably parenthetical, and...
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Hi there | Apr 28, 2015 |
Thanks... | Jan 29, 2012 |
Dirk Gently | Dec 7, 2008 |
Sber? | Sep 23, 2007 |
I've no idea who you are... | May 3, 2007 |
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next word game | Jun 28, 2011 | 5 Days Ago |
The Last One To Post Here Wins | Jun 23, 2004 | Sep 9, 2024 |
The Glowing Pickle Thread (A subidiary of the most boring and banal thread on h2g2) | No Posting | May 20, 2024 |
PHELOXI DIED 19 APRIL | No Posting | Apr 20, 2023 |
Bin Laden Dead | No Posting | Jan 25, 2021 |
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