HooToo Weather Station
This is an artificial environment, so much is for sure. But due to circumstances out of our control, the weather down on HooToo is not really predictable.
That is, we have no idea if the weather may change. But there is at least one man who can U6, our Technical Staffteam. By reporting the clouds we can help him alter the data flow by providing a steaady flow of reports.
Weather Update
Todays weather
kinds of clouds
No cloud in sight
Occasional dust devils on busy pages
Conversations and Online Popup change every 120 seconds
Entries show up fast
Conversations have sometimes irregular delays
Forum posting lists show up
Postings get published sometimes with irregular delays
Personal Spaces show up, your own always slower
The Special Pages take time to refresh
The Front Page comes in stages
The Spider Web takes ages
Occasional dust devils on busy pages
Hollow Clouds in the distance
Less then 150 researchers online.<?>
Conversations and Online Popup change every 120 seconds
Entries show up fast
Conversations have sometimes irregular delays
Forum posting lists show up
Postings get published sometimes with irregular delays
On occasion a page says Proxy Error
Personal Spaces show up, your own always slower
The Special Pages take time to refresh
On occasion a page says Proxy Error
The Front Page comes in stages
Sometimes parts are missing
Slow connections give occasional timeouts (500, 501, 502 errors)
The Spider Web takes ages
Sometimes parts are missing
Slow connections give occasional timeouts (500, 501, 502 errors)
Dark Clouds comming closer
Droppings of Blobs and smilies
More then 200 researchers online.<?>
Conversations and Online Popup change every 120 seconds
Less then one timeout (500, 501, 502 errors) in an hour
Entries show up but the Blobs often timeout
Ocassional timeout (500, 501, 502 errors)
Conversations have sometimes irregular delays
In smiley dense areas some will drop
Or do not show up at all (500, 501, 502 errors)
Forum posting lists show up most of the times
Postings get published sometimes with irregular delays
On occasion a page says Proxy Error
Or do not show up at all (500, 501, 502 errors)
Personal Spaces sometimes mis parts your own always slower
Or do not show up at all (500, 501, 502 errors)
The Special Pages take time to refresh
On occasion a page says Proxy Error
Or gives a time out (500, 501, 502 errors)
The Front Page comes in stages
Often parts are missing
Or do not show up at all (500, 501, 502 errors)
The Spider Web takes ages
Sometimes parts are missing
All connections give timeouts once every while (500, 501, 502 errors).
The above are 'normal' weather conditions. They all do happen on normal HooToo days. On occasion we get strange clouds in sight, these are the days for the weather reporters to go outside. When the storms are high enough to leave you without a single page loaded, they stand on their refresh buttons and switch the windows close and new.
Browser Timeout
| - 500 Internal Server Error.
No reply within reasonable time.
- 501 Not Implemented.
Parts of the code content is missing,
There is no decoder plugin for noise
- 502 Server Not Available
Not all of the packets arrive
| - XML Error loading
Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.
Mostly followed by a line number, character off set.
- XML Error loading
(no reason given)
The DNA cluster promised response but does not<?>.
The RPC server is too busy to complete this operation
The DNA cluster did not provide response<?>.
BBCi Error report page
| |
Sometimes just the database is out of reach they say your homepage is as if you have never been there. None of your conversations and entries show up. The frontpage is there, but nothing else
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More weather reports:
A1987905 By Jab 210...