A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16881

Mr. Legion

JJ is like the Spanish Inquisition.

Actually, beyond picturing her in one of those red dresses, I hadn't really thought that one out. smiley - tongueout But I'm sure some Python nerd will pick up on it...

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16882

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition... or Jade.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16883

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

What about red dresses? I want a red dress.

I could do a red dress now, as I currently have blue-flavoured hairs.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16884

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

I found a thing:

Here it is translated:

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16885

Mr. Legion

Is it a Japanese thing that the concepts of 'red' and 'orange' seem to have been muddles? They look like they're wearing sou'wester coats. Y'know, fisherman jackets.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16886

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

Well nobody expected them to go fishing RIGHT BEFORE they started their inquisitorial campaign, now did they?

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16887

Mr. Legion


Brilliant! It's like the great battle of Wossname, when Alexander the Great slept in, and left the opposing army standing around like tits all morning in the hot sun. Then he got up, yawned, had a shave and started the fighting in his own good time. That story has inspired me to many a sleep-in...

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16888

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Alexander the Great is officially the best person in all of history.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16889


Bit short for my tastes.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16890

Mr. Legion

You'd be a bit female for his tastes. smiley - winkeye

Another good 'un: Alexander has come to Corinth, and gone to visit the Cynic philospher Diogenes. Alexander, with all his retinue, finds Diogenes sun-bathing in front of the tub he lives in, and walks up to him.

Alexander: Is there anything that I, Alexander the Great, can bestow on such an eminent philosopher?

Diogenes: Get out of my light.

Zing! smiley - biggrin

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16891

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Did that really happen? smiley - erm I'm skeptical.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16892

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

I am pretty certain I have heard this anecdote before.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16893


*Bursts out of his chair, grabs EvilClaw, and pins him by the neck against the wall.*

Don't you EVER question the validity of Legion's anecdotes. They are nuggets, little golden nuggets of information, which he bestows oh so generously and freely, for the greater good of man, upon all the peoples of the Earth.

Except Italians, of course.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16894

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I'm not questioning the VALIDITY of Legion's anecdote. I'm questioning the validity of LEGION's anecdote.

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16895

xanthippi-the nut with the scythe

Hokay then, I don't think anyone would remember me and even if you do, I doubt it's with fondness, but i was trying to spread the good word of Thing and was having a bit more trouble finding the page then ususal. Anyway I was browsing through and saw that there is a new enemy to our cause? What's going on here? Just a quick answer will do then I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing before. I won't even comment on the new title of this thread.

smiley - angelandsmiley - devilit's the one on the left ya gotta worry about...smiley - evilgrinsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - cake

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16896

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

Xanthippi, I think it is pretty safe to say that no one here cares.

*begins readying a swift kick to EvilClaw's balls, while Hally has him so nicely pinned, there*

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16897

xanthippi-the nut with the scythe

don't worry, I know you hate me.

smiley - angelandsmiley - devilit's the one on the left ya gotta worry about...smiley - evilgrinsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - cake

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16898


*Looks up.*

Hmm? Who are hatin' now?

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16899


It appears to be a nut with a scythe.

*readies nut crackers*

The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography

Post 16900

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Hey Xanthippi. I remember you! And now I must be away to soccar band camp practice. *explodes*

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