A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
eloisa Posted Nov 22, 2006
*thinks about Oregon*
*discovers has no opinion about Oregon*
*thinks about oregano*
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
JohnnyK - I am the 2% Posted Nov 22, 2006
Think WHAT about Oregone...? ...
Anyway it's winter for those of us in the northern hemisphere...it's too cold / wet / blooming depressing to think of anything witty...
.....and, personally I've been too Bobdamned busy...
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon) Posted Nov 23, 2006
Yank, HONEY. You know I love you. Really. Seriously. But San Francisco. It's fucken awesome, okay?
You should think about SF. Seriously. Then we can get drunk and post together. Woo and stuff.
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Mr. Legion Posted Nov 23, 2006
It's not all you'd imagine. I mean, Hally and I have occasionally posted together, but I think he found it weird. Just because I have to be naked and Frenching a weasel before inspiration strikes...
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
EvilClaw: The Catmanthing Posted Nov 23, 2006
A weasel? Will a ferret do?
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again Posted Nov 23, 2006
Oh EC, you have no taste, I swear.
*Takes a bit out of his upper arm with her pointy teeth to double-check.*
Mmph. No. Bleah. Bland. *spits out chunk of EC*
Or, we could all move to Ireland?
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
EvilClaw: The Catmanthing Posted Nov 23, 2006
I tried to tell you. ... Also: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon) Posted Nov 23, 2006
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon) Posted Nov 23, 2006
Ireland would be great, but then I would have to quit my band
If this posts twice, I appologise, there is some kind of odd glitch thing ging on with posts, apparently.
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Hallainzil Posted Nov 24, 2006
You really don't strike me as someone who would be in your band, having heard you.
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again Posted Nov 25, 2006
Hally, do you have a death wish? Cuz jeez.
I think Jade's band is really good, and she's amazing in it. Anyone who wants to bicker can put up with my e-vil alter ego... you know the one who had to be killed off by her angelic boyfriend in the Gaia threads?
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
JohnnyK - I am the 2% Posted Nov 25, 2006
Move the band to Ireland as well ...?
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Mr. Legion Posted Nov 25, 2006
Ireland is where you wanna be for making any kind of folk-ish music. We got that culture n' history stuff coming out the wazoo. Also, Hally and I could lay some blistering sh1t down over your backing music, really mix it up and stuff...
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon) Posted Nov 26, 2006
Hally: What is that supposed to mean, exactly? Don't make me cry again, you a*shole.
JhonnyK: That is a stupid idea.
Yank: I love you the most sometimes.
Legion: Frankly the thought of you laying down tracks for me is terrifying.
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
JohnnyK - I am the 2% Posted Nov 26, 2006
Humf...what's so stoopid about draggin' the band to Ireland - great scenery, wide open spaces, freindly people, good , peace and tranquility, great clubs in dublin....
...OK you can't smoke inside pubs, it's a bit pricey, work is a bit scarce...but other than that....
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again Posted Nov 26, 2006
*perks up* ! *downs it in one long draught* Hmm... suddenly everything around here makes more sense. I may do that again. Waiter!
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Hallainzil Posted Nov 27, 2006
Jade, what I meant was that I never would have pictured your band as being a folky, strings band. I always assumed it was like emo-rock of some sort.
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon) Posted Nov 27, 2006
Oh silly silly Hally. You should know by now that I very rarely do what people expect me to do.
That would be boring.
Key: Complain about this post
The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and Pornography
- 16861: eloisa (Nov 22, 2006)
- 16862: Just Plain Yogurt (Nov 22, 2006)
- 16863: JohnnyK - I am the 2% (Nov 22, 2006)
- 16864: Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon) (Nov 23, 2006)
- 16865: Mr. Legion (Nov 23, 2006)
- 16866: EvilClaw: The Catmanthing (Nov 23, 2006)
- 16867: Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again (Nov 23, 2006)
- 16868: EvilClaw: The Catmanthing (Nov 23, 2006)
- 16869: Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon) (Nov 23, 2006)
- 16870: Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon) (Nov 23, 2006)
- 16871: Hallainzil (Nov 24, 2006)
- 16872: Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again (Nov 25, 2006)
- 16873: JohnnyK - I am the 2% (Nov 25, 2006)
- 16874: Mr. Legion (Nov 25, 2006)
- 16875: JohnnyK - I am the 2% (Nov 25, 2006)
- 16876: Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon) (Nov 26, 2006)
- 16877: JohnnyK - I am the 2% (Nov 26, 2006)
- 16878: Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again (Nov 26, 2006)
- 16879: Hallainzil (Nov 27, 2006)
- 16880: Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon) (Nov 27, 2006)
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