A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Lifeguard Hut

Be a lifeguard

Post 201


You are at the moment, but never fear - welcome to the lifeguard team!

Be a lifeguard

Post 202

Demon Drawer

I'm a liitle concerned about letting this hovercraft near our beach. Surely it should not be wearing it's skirt!!!! smiley - smiley

Be a lifeguard

Post 203


Are skirts really clothes though? The one's I've seen on the lasses around here just can't be!

Be a lifeguard

Post 204

Cupid Stunt


Be a lifeguard

Post 205


You're welcome!

Be a lifeguard

Post 206

Cupid Stunt

I can start straight away can i?

Be a lifeguard

Post 207


Don't worry, there...
My hovercraft is absoltely skirt free....
in fact, the entire hull is missing as well, as an extra precaution

Be a lifeguard

Post 208


sounds VERY safe...smiley - winkeye

Be a lifeguard

Post 209


And of course you can start straight away - just head over to the beach!

Be a lifeguard

Post 210


Extrememly safe...

even the airbags are H.R.A.S.C. regulated... the bags were removed, leaving only air...

it's complicated, but perfectly safe

Be a lifeguard

Post 211

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

* a rather largish snow ball rolls down mt. sandcastle and melts on the beach, leaving a woman's swim suit with in a bag with a note to destroy with cation and signed theat amzaingly froody life gaurd, who despite often dives remains hrsac complient, Third asst. eng.*

Be a lifeguard

Post 212

Cupid Stunt

*Dithers aimlessly*


Be a lifeguard

Post 213


hello if you want I can be a life-endengering-man (LEM --- check my entry on him, when it will be written smiley - fish) After all with so many lifeguards on the beach one feels too safe.
otherwise, it's floppy normal. (If I dArE sAy) (What a strange language English is, a vowel every two letters! )

Be a lifeguard

Post 214


A strange thing also that my replies are always on the deep bottom of the discussions. No, it's normal after all.

Be a lifeguard

Post 215


You still haven't told me if I can pick up the litter BB ;-(
shazzPRMEsmiley - winkeye

Be a lifeguard

Post 216


I'm sorry Shazz - I updated the main Lifeguard list on the Beach page to include you - though I guess I hadn't said here that I'd done it... I didn't mean to forget you, honest! You've got the job.

Be a lifeguard

Post 217

Cupid Stunt

*dithers aimlessly*


Be a lifeguard

Post 218


Thank you BB smiley - smileyMy short pointy stick is at the ready smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Be a lifeguard

Post 219

Dizzy the Void

[A warbling tremolo becomes audible, accompanied by a green aura appearing. In the center of the aura, YK appears, dressed in swimtrunks that have Poké Balls attached to where the belt would be were he wearing Blue Jeans. The aura and the warbling tremolo fade out.]

D'OH! I'm late!

Be a lifeguard

Post 220

Cupid Stunt

*Dithers more aimlessly*


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