A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Lifeguard Hut

Be a Lifeguard (Didn't we just leave this party?)

Post 41

Cupid Stunt

I Speck Not.

Be a Lifeguard (Didn't we just leave this party?)

Post 42

Dizzy the Void

[gestures to Cupid with hand and the Force] You don't need to worry about that.

Now, where were we before this?

Be a Lifeguard (Didn't we just leave this party?)

Post 43

Demon Drawer

What before the Bantom Cock appeared on the scene. Pass I forgot what came before I was enjoying the backlog too much. smiley - winkeye

Be a Lifeguard (Didn't we just leave this party?)

Post 44


It appears that, under Peta's orders, the Lifeguard forum is going to move again!
Bear with me, but the lifeguards are going to get a HUGE article of their own! smiley - smiley

Be a Lifeguard (Didn't we just leave this party?)

Post 45

Demon Drawer

Wow!!! smiley - bigeyes

Be a Lifeguard (Didn't we just leave this party?)

Post 46


Okay, so it's going to be medium sized. But it will be HUGE if you all help contribute to it. smiley - smiley
When I get everything organised, there will be a forum called IMPORTANT which will tell you all what is happening to the Waterworks and beach.

Be a Lifeguard (Didn't we just leave this party?)

Post 47

Dizzy the Void

What! There aren't even 50 posts in this forum yet!

Be a Lifeguard (Didn't we just leave this party?)

Post 48


I know, but it's a case of Devolution. The Lifeguards are moving, so it makes sense if the forum moves with it.
Peta asked me to, so who am I to argue?

Be a Lifeguard (Didn't we just leave this party?)

Post 49

Dizzy the Void

Okay. 'Sfine with me.

Be a Lifeguard (Didn't we just leave this party?)

Post 50


So, I hope to see you all go to the new home here:
and PLEASE support the new swimming pool too. smiley - smiley


Thread Moved

Post 51

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'H2G2 Waterworks &amp; Beach' to 'H2G2 Waterworks: The Lifeguard Hut'.

Moved to the Lifeguard's (old) home.

Be a Lifeguard

Post 52


I'm impressed the Lifeguard hut is still standing – needs a bit of work here and there to patch it up, but otherwise as good as new!


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