A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The Best TV One Liners

Post 81


I always liked
"It,s not what you know,
It,s not who you know,
It,s what you know about who you know"

The Best TV One Liners

Post 82

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

smiley - rofl

I wish I could add something worthwhile, but that quote is undoubtledly the best thing I've read all week.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 83

Percy "Thrills" Thrillington ("I shall write to the lead singer of Echo & The Bunnymen!")

I hate living in a world without John Peel! smiley - cross

My second favourite: "That's the best record I've heard since... tea-time. Mind you, I had a late tea." smiley - biggrin

The Best TV One Liners

Post 84

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

"I think Gimli said it to Legolas when Legolas kiled the Mumakil (Elephant) in Pellenor Fields."

smiley - ok

The Best TV One Liners

Post 85

toffees1888 (Irish evertonian of TBBCOE)

Red Dwarf:
Kryten: Sir, they've taken Mr Rimmer!
Cat: Quick, let's get out of here before they bring him back.

Holly: I am Holly, the ship's computer, with an IQ of 6000, the same IQ as 6000 PE teachers.

Kryten: Mr Rimmer is suffering from a stress-related nervous disorder.
Lister: Next time I see him, he'll be suffering from a fist-related teeth disorder.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 86

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Brilliant! smiley - rofl

From Dr Who: Earthshock (In the 1980s, but we saw it on DVD just now)
Tegan: "Oh, I am just a mouth on legs!"
smiley - tardis

The Best TV One Liners

Post 87

airscotia-back by popular demand

Not a great fan of 'Open all hours', but this moment made me chuckle.

Arkwright: That white bread is bleached you know. So white it hurts your eye..B...B...B...B...

Granville : I like it.

Arkwright: B..B..Balls......... Will you let me finish!!!!

The Best TV One Liners

Post 88

toffees1888 (Irish evertonian of TBBCOE)

Only Fools and Horses:

Del: I thought you said this place was open 24 hours a day.
Trigger: Yeah I know, but not at night.

Mike: (insulting Trigger) He still doesn't know which end of the dart to throw.

(discusing art)
Del: Yeah, I'm a real Renassiance man myself.
Rodney: Yeah, last Tuesday down at the Pie and Eel shop, Del shook the art world to it's very foundations by stating, quite clearly, that Michaelangilo was a wally-brain.
Del: well, he was a wally-brain. It took him twelve years to paint one ceiling.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 89

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

I'm sure I'm not exactly correct with this (wait for the corrections!), but you'll get the drift:
More Red Dwarf -

Kryten: "A brilliant plan, with just two flaws:
1) We don't have any defensive shields, and
2) We don't have any defensive shields. You may notice those are technically the same point, but it's such a *major* point I felt it worth mentioning twice!"

(And yes, I know it's slightly more than one line, but the thread seems to be fraying nicely at the edges - with some very funny results!)

The Best TV One Liners

Post 90


Kids time!

Dangermouse: Right Penfold we must act quickly.
Penfold: (all in one breath) Tobeornottobethatisthequestion.

Ah, we miss you, White Wonder.

From Dennis the Menace

Mad Scientist: Eureka! Eureka!

Dennis: What have you discovered?

Mad Scientist: Nothing, I'm calling my cat. Eureka!

Cracks me up every time! (Ok, so they're not one-liners)

The Best TV One Liners

Post 91

toffees1888 (Irish evertonian of TBBCOE)

Father Ted:

Ted: This compitition... is a sham! And a fraud! And a... sham.

Mr Fox: You better get going actually, milk goes sour you know, unless it's UHT milk. But there's no demand for that stuff because it's smiley - bleep.

Dougal: God Ted I've heard of these cults. Everyone dressing in black saying their Lord's going to come back and judge us all.
Ted: No Dougal, that's us. That's Catholicism your talking about.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 92


Ted: These are small. Those are far away smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Dougal : What time is it?
Ted: Six
Dougal : O'Clock?

The Best TV One Liners

Post 93


And of course -

Ted: For the last time, that money was just resting in my account.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 94


"I want to live for ever or die trying"
"The fire was stupid putting Villa on guard was suicidle whats wrong staying alive getting to difficult for you"
"I always say you can never trust a man who keeps his booze under lock and key"
"Tarrants idea of Diplomacy is breaking someones leg then saying lean on me"

All of course from Blake's 7

The Best TV One Liners

Post 95


You've just reminded me of this one:

"I wanna live 'til I die. No more, no less."

The Best TV One Liners

Post 96


Well, if you're gonna have them, you've got to have the immortal line from Shir Shean - "Do you want to live forever?"

The Best TV One Liners

Post 97

Steve K.

From "Funny Bones":

Nicky: Have you lived in Blackpool all your life?
Jack Parker: Not yet.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 98


"Shall we go to red alert sir?"
"It does mean changing the bulb."

Boys from the Dwarf....


The Best TV One Liners

Post 99


Welcome back SoRB, the master of disaster and the saint of sarcasm. smiley - biggrin

The Best TV One Liners

Post 100

toffees1888 (Irish evertonian of TBBCOE)

Holly, after being insulted about his intelligence.

"6? Do me a lemon. That's a small IQ for a glass of water."

Rimmer: "Holly, you're about as useful as a condom machine in the Vatican."

Lister: "Hey guys, look at my body."
Cat: "Now that is one invitaion that will NOT cause a stampede."

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