A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The Best TV One Liners

Post 21


I agree, it is very funny. smiley - laughI recon it's one of the best, but not THE best.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 22


Even bits of lines can have a resonance.

I'm sure we all recognise -

"....that's very nearly an armful"
"....Wild? I was furious!"
"....It's an ex-parrot"
"....he's just a very naughty boy"
".....but eet's waffer thin"

The Best TV One Liners

Post 23

The Groob

One from the office:

(someone): That dog in The Dam Busters was called Nggger
David Brent: Yeah, but that was back in the days before racism was wrong

One from the Royle Family:

(someone) She's a vegetarian
Gran: Can't we just give her very thin slices of ham?

The Best TV One Liners

Post 24


Guru - you have no idea the flak I got from people on this board when I mentioned that I had a black lab with that name when I was a kid, named after the dog in the film. smiley - erm

The Best TV One Liners

Post 25

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Ah yes, so it is, if it's understood that this *he* is standing in front of 'em at the time. I'd forgotten that.

TRiG.smiley - ok

The Best TV One Liners

Post 26


go away, or I shall taunt you a second time

The Best TV One Liners

Post 27


from the holy grail, not aimed at anyone heresmiley - laugh

The Best TV One Liners

Post 28


smiley - laughI f*rt in your general direction.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 29


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!smiley - laugh

The Best TV One Liners

Post 30



The Best TV One Liners

Post 31


you must find... another shrubbery

The Best TV One Liners

Post 32

A Super Furry Animal

I've taken the unprecedented step of reading the link on the original post and it says "from a comedy show".

So, no reason to exclude radio. Radio has shows. Also, it doesn't specifically say sitcoms, although all the quotes seem to be from sitcoms.

"We have one chief weapon: Fear. Fear and surprise. *Two* weapons..."

Oh, you know the rest, even if you don't expect it. No-one does.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

The Best TV One Liners

Post 33


"Suits you sir"

"I was verrry, verrry drunk"

Don't mention the war.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 34


That's you that is

The Best TV One Liners

Post 35

A Super Furry Animal

You see people who misquote "suit you" as "suits you"?

That's you. That's you doing your best to quote a comedy sketch.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

p.s. "Scorchio!"

The Best TV One Liners

Post 36


Indeed Freddy pet,

Boutros Boutros Ghali

smiley - winkeye

The Best TV One Liners

Post 37


Don't look at me!

The Best TV One Liners

Post 38


smiley - laugh

You ain't seen me.......right ?

The Best TV One Liners

Post 39

A Super Furry Animal


I think that there are 10 catchphrases from The Fast Show that are funnier than the top 10 "funniest" catchphrases actually chosen.

Which was nice.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

"today, I shall be mostly eating raspberries"

The Best TV One Liners

Post 40

Mu Beta

"Eth-eth-eth-eth, eth-eth-eth, eth-eth-eth-eth. Chrith Waddle."



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