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The Best TV One Liners

Post 1

Deep Doo Doo


A line from Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights - "Garlic bread, it's the future, I've tasted it" - has been named the best comic one-liner in an online poll.

Would you agree that this the best? Admittedly it's not bad, but I'm not convinced it's the best. What would be your favourite one liner?

"The world is your lobster, my son" - Arthur Daley, Minder.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Where to begin? smiley - bigeyes

"If ah ever catch you with yer fingers in the till Budgie, ah'm gonnae chop 'em off at the armpits."
Charlie Endell.

How about a two-liner?
"We were on opposite sides of the street, our eyes met and something elctric passed between us."
"Yes, I remember that. I think it was a tram."
Robert's Robots.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 3

A Super Furry Animal

From Antiques corner...

"I'm free!"

"La-di-da Gunner Graham"

"Don't panic, Mr. Mainwaring!"

RFsmiley - evilgrin

The Best TV One Liners

Post 4

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

I think it was the looking to the left and the right before the "i'm free" that was the best bit! and, of course, the mince! smiley - laugh

The Best TV One Liners

Post 5

Moving On

The old'uns still seem to be the best'uns

And on the subject of showing my agesmiley - erm

Eric Morcombe to Andre Previn (or Preview, whichever you prefer)

I*am playing all the right notes sunshine- but not necessarilly in the right order.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 6

Mu Beta

"That I do Fletcher. I killed him"

The ultimate in one-joke comedy: a whole 30-minute episode of Porridge building up to the best punchline written for any sitcom.


The Best TV One Liners

Post 7


Max and Paddy - the episode where Max first tells of his 'small' girlfriend:
Max:"..she's a kind of midget.."
Paddy:"what?? like the Queen song??"

Also watched 'Up Pompeii' on sky for the first time the other night. Its showing its age but still funny. Must have been hilarious when first aired.
"..he's so tight fisted, always pleading poverty, pleading poverty all the time...a right miserable pleader"

The Best TV One Liners

Post 8


'They don't like it up 'em y'know'
Corporal Jones... Dad's army.


The Best TV One Liners

Post 9


Another Eric Morecambe gem:

(watching ambulance pass the window, lights and sirens going)

"He's not going to sell much ice cream going at that speed!"

smiley - biggrin

smiley - rainbow Lx

The Best TV One Liners

Post 10

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - laugh

Did anyone watch that programme on the history of comedy in liught entertainment last night?

The Best TV One Liners

Post 11


Darn it! Missed it! Was it on *whispers* ITV?


smiley - rainbow Lx

The Best TV One Liners

Post 12

Steve K.

More than one line, but a favorite bit of dialogue from "Phyllis":

"Our daughter wants to marry a boy whose parents are midgets."

"Has she found one yet?"

"Our daughter wants to marry a boy named Bob whose parents are midgets!"

"That's gonna be really tough, maybe she could find a boy and he could change his name."

smiley - headhurts

The Best TV One Liners

Post 13


From "Carry on Cleo"?

Infamy Infamy They've all got it infamy. smiley - laugh

The Best TV One Liners

Post 14

Deep Doo Doo

SWL, someone had to say it! smiley - biggrin

It probably should be classed as the all time classic one liner. The trouble is, it was just so good I think its been over-used now and lost some of its perfection.

Perhaps its become too infamous? smiley - magic

The Best TV One Liners

Post 15

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

It's not from TV though - that's a movie quote. And once you get into movie one-liners there are three films that eclipse all others put together - Blazing Saddles ("Are we awake?" "We're not sure. Are we... black?" "Yes, we are." "Then we're awake, but very puzzled."), Withnail and I ("We've gone on holiday by mistake.") and The Man Who Would be King ("He can break wind at both ends, simultaneous, which I'm willing to bet is more than any god can do.").

"Oh, you're not narrow minded are you? Only when Tony and I make love in the garden he tends to scream a bit, don't you. I'd love to stay and chat only it's time for my aubergine. Oh, there go my shoes again!"
Gary - Men Behaving Badly

The Best TV One Liners

Post 16


From the series that (in my opinion) has the best lines ever, The Simpsons:

Now for that happy period between the lie and the time it's found out. -Homer Simpson

The Best TV One Liners

Post 17


Catch phrases or lines that I remember

Don't tell them your name Pike - Dad's Army

I'm the only gay in the village - Little Britain

The Best TV One Liners

Post 18


Really? Personally, I wouldn't call 'The only gay in the village' one of the best lines ever. Memorable, certainly. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

The Best TV One Liners

Post 19

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

A one-liner should be funny out of context. That Little Britain one isn't. Nor is the Dad's Army one, come to that.

Oscar Wilde is the best source of one-liners, but if you're restricting it to TV ones, I can't help much. I'm a radio chap.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

The Best TV One Liners

Post 20


smiley - ermmaybe it's just my sense of humour, but "Don't tell him your name, Pike" *is* funny out of contextsmiley - erm

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