Ferrettbadger's Personal Space
Ferrettbadgers Personal Space.
Hello fellow hikers!
click hereAbout Me
My Name IRL is Ralph Ferrett. I am in my Early 30s (actually 30 at the time of writing) and I am an activist and a Trade Unionist (With the Communication Workers Union, I work for Royal Mail).
As well as activism and Trade Unionism I am keen of Football (I support Plymouth Argyle), Cooking/Eating, Film, Comics, Video Games and cool new Technology
Where to find me on t'interweb!
My Personal Website Lunchtime Legend Where I host my Blog.
I am a keen Twitterer (if that is the term) and my name there is ralphferrett and I am always keen for "twitchats" and new followers!
If you wanna know what sort of music I listen to you can find out at my Last.FM page
Lastly, I am also on Facebook here, if any friends here wanna find me there.
P.S. U234614:- (234/6)+(-1+4) = 42!
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Ferrettbadger, you have today's Quote of the Day! | Dec 15, 2013 |
Recapturing Labour | May 19, 2013 |
Merry Xmas | Oct 26, 2012 |
Ralph, you wonderfully useful chap, you. | Feb 2, 2012 |
Fantasy Football | Nov 3, 2011 |
Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master
Researcher U234614
Most Recent Edited Entries
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- Sensible Soccer - the Computer Game
- How to Cook Simple Sweet Potato Fish Cakes
- How to Successfully Complain to a Call Centre
- How to Cook Spicy Thai Style Fish Soup
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