Welcome to the Blizzard of Odd

Hello and welcome to the Personal Space of toffees1888, residing in Dublin, Ireland, DOB 09/12/88. Notice the red carpet lined up around the place <2cents>. Enjoy your stay and please don't vomit in my direction.hangover

If you want to leave at any time, you'll find the emergancy exits in the back...





Tightly weilded shut! evilgrin

The name toffees refers to the football club I support, Evertonfootball, not because of an maddaning love for toffee sweetstoffeeappleweird.

Some may wonder why I put 1888 in my name instead of 1878, the year Everton were formed. Well, 1888 was the year the English FA League was formed. It also looks similar to the year I was born (1988). Plus, it's unique biggrin! It's an attitude thing... experiment B-).

I'm also a bit of a games fan. I own a Playstation 2 right now, I've had it for years.

Well, I think that covers some of the basics. I might not (or couldn't be bothered tosleepy) answer any queries, but you'll have the pleasure of my divine company discodiscodiscodiscohandcuffs.

bus See ya, and don't go online2long

"Never go above 40 watts for a table lamp;)"

"Reality is no substitute for my dreamssleepy."

"It doesn't matter if you view the glass as half-empty or half-full, it's still only half a glass' worth.\%/"

"Life isn't like a box of chocolates, it isn't as sweet. choc

"Remember that you're unique, just like everyone else"

"Only four things are certian in life; death, taxes and mistakesenvy"


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toffees1888 (Irish evertonian of TBBCOE)

Researcher U2439349

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