This is the Message Centre for toffees1888 (Irish evertonian of TBBCOE)

Subbing Torquay

Post 1

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I'm going through subbing your entry on Torquay United Football Club.

I've made some small alterations, mainly with the footnotes.

It's generally considered that you have as few footnotes as possible, so I've reduced them to 6. The other footnotes have been integrated into your entry properly.

Can you confirm one bit of detail for me please?

'They were relegated, but because the Premiership was formed the following season, they were relegated from Division Three to Division Three'

From division three to division three? Do you mean division three to division 4?

A16991562 This link will be the edited version so could I ask that you go and have a look to make sure you're happy with the changes I've made?

Subbing Torquay

Post 2

toffees1888 (Irish evertonian of TBBCOE)

Things are looking good smiley - ale.

When the Premiership was formed the lower leagues went through a name change, thus the Second Division became the First Division, the Third Division became the Second Division and the Fourth Division became the Third Division.

I think the details of Justin's death should be in a footnote.
Everything else looks good.

Subbing Torquay

Post 3

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

So Torquay United went from Fourth Division to Third Division?

You've said Third Division to Third Division. I just wanted to make sure I got it right.

Subbing Torquay

Post 4

toffees1888 (Irish evertonian of TBBCOE)

No, Torquay were relegated from the Third Division to the Fourth Division, but because the Premiership was formed the next season, the lower leagues went through the name change I mentioned, the Fourth Division being renamed the Third Division.

Subbing Torquay

Post 5

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother


Will return it to the Eds now

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