Torquay United FC

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Torquay United, nicknamed the Gulls, are currently one of three professional football clubs based in Devon1. Based in the seaside resort Torquay, they are one of the few English lower league clubs who did not fall into massive debt following the collapse of ITV Digital. Some consider this to be good financial management, while others say this is because of a lack of ambition to push upwards. The club's current chairman is Chris Roberts, who became chairman after Mike Bateson stepped down in October 2006. Bateson had helped keep the club above water since he bacame chairman in 1990, investing money that helped the club in many ways, such as making some major changes to the stadium, although there was a feeling among some fans that it was time for him to move on. Torquay have never won a major trophy2 and have never played above the third tier of English football (England's current third tier league is the Coca-Cola League One)


Torquay United's history involves three clubs. Torquay United were first formed in 1899 by a group of school leavers and joined the East Devon league a year later. After winning their first honour in the Torquay and District League title in 1909, they merged with local rivals Ellecombe and became Torquay Town.

The new Torquay team then moved to their current ground Plainmoor, which they shared with another club, Babbacombe. In 1921, Babbacombe agreed to a merger. Thus the club became professional and became Torquay United... once more.

Before WWII

The new Torquay United first entered the Western League, and then the Southern League. In 1926-27 Torquay won the Southern League, and even better they were elected into the Football League. They were placed in the Third Division South. However, they struggled because of financial problems throughout the 30s, indeed they suffered their worst ever defeat to date in this decade, 2-10 in 1931 at the hands of Fulham. They also had to replace the roof of their stadium when it was blown off in 1930. They never finished higher than 10th.

After the War

After the war, Torquay's woes did not cease, finishing 19th in the 1946-47 season. In 1955, they changed their team colours to what they are now, gold and blue3. In their first season in their new colours, they finished second in the Third Division South, missing out promotion on goal difference, despite the efforts of club record goalscorer Sammy Collins, who scored 40 goals during this season4. However, the good fortune did not last. When the Third Division South and North were changed to the Third Division and Fourth Division, they were one of the unlucky ones who were placed in the Fourth Division. They gained promotion during their first season in the Fourth Division, but were relegated back down two seasons later.

In 1963, Torquay signed Robin Stubbs for £6,000, then a club record fee. Stubbs, recently voted by fans as their best player ever, starred in Torquay's famous 3-3 draw against Tottenham in the FA Cup Third Round in 1964-65, scoring two late goals to level up after going 3-1 behind5. In the 1965-66 season, Frank O'Farrell took over as manager and in his first season in charge, Torquay gained promotion to the Third Division6. In the 1967-68 they achieved their best ever placing (to date), 4th in the Third Division, just missing out on promotion. However they were relegated once again in the 1971-72 season. The rest of the 70s was pretty uneventful, with Torquay getting mostly mid-table finishings. One notable Torquay player during this time was Colin Lee, signed from Bristol City in the 1977-78. He netted 14 goals in 35 games before being sold to Tottenham for £60,000, a club record at the time.

The 80s and beyond

The 1983-84 season saw the start of some of the more woeful years in Torquay's history. The 1984-85 season saw them finish bottom of the Fourth Division. They had to apply for re-election, but were successful. Things were getting worse when a fire in May 1985 destroyed half of their stadium's grandstand, leaving Plainmoor with a capacity of just 4,999. The next season saw Torquay finish bottom again and having to apply for re-election again, in which they again succeeded.

The 1986-87 season saw the introduction of automatic promotion and relegation between the Fourth Division and the Nationwide Conference, which meant whoever finished bottom of the Fourth Division were relegated to the Conference. Towards the end of the season, Torquay were second from bottom. The last game of the season saw them play Crewe Alexandra. At half-time, Crewe were 2-0 up and although Torquay pulled one back after the restart, they could not draw level. Seven minutes from time, football folklore was made when a police dog seemed to think that Torquay defender Jim McNichol was going to attack his handler, and went for Jim's thigh. Four minutes of injury time was added on as a result, during which Paul Dobson scored a crucial goal for Torquay to level the match. It ended and Torquay lived to fight another day.

The 1987-88 saw a change in fortunes when Cyril Knowles7 was appointed manager. During his first season in charge, Torquay just missed out on automatic promotion and gained a play-off spot, but lost the final to Swansea City. During this season they beat Tottenham 1-0 in the League Cup, the winning goal scored by Derek "The Dude" Dawkins. Lee Sharpe also had his start in football during this season. After only 16 games for the Gulls, Manchester United noted his potential and signed him for nearly £200,000, one of the biggest transfers in Torquay's history. In 1989 Torquay reached the finals of the Sherpa Van Trophy8 but lost to Bolton.

The 1990-91 season saw Torquay promoted once more when they beat Blackpool on penalties in the play-off final9. Their stay up didn't last long though despite the signing of Justin Fashanu10. They were relegated, but because the Premiership was formed the following season, they were relegated from Division Three to Division Three.

The 1993-94 season saw Torquay make the play-off spots once more, but lost the semi-final to Preston. The 1995-96 season was disastrous though; Torquay finished bottom of the Third Division. They were saved from relegation because Stevenage's stadium was deemed unfit for league football. Torquay made a play-off spot once more in the 1997-98 season. They beat Scarborough 7-2 on aggregate in the semi-final, four of those goals were scored by star player Rodney Jack. However they once again fell short in the final, losing to Colchester United. Rodney Jack was sold afterwards to Crewe Alexandra for £500,000, the highest amount of money Torquay have ever received from a transfer to date. Torquay's fortunes fell afterwards.

The 2000-01 season saw Torquay narrowly avoid relegation by beating bottom side Barnet on the last day of the season. Things looked up for Torquay afterwards, striker David Graham played a key role in turning Torquay's fortunes around. They achieved automatic promotion in the 2003-04 season against all the odds11. At the end of that season, David Graham was sold to Wigan Athletic for £215,000. Torquay however, were relegated the following season, being edged out by Milton Keynes Dons when they lost to Colchester United on the final day of the season, and went down on goal difference. The 2005-06 season was a bad one, though they did pull off a 0-0 with Birmingham in the FA Cup Third round. As it happened, Torquay fought their way out of the relegation spots to finish three points from the drop. In October 2006, Mike Bateson stepped down as chairman and was replaced by Chris Roberts.

1The other two are Plymouth Argyle and Exeter City
2Unless you consider the Devon Bowl a major trophy 3Their previous team colours were black and white stripes, much like what Newcastle wear now.4Sammy Collins is also the club's record holder, with 219 goals during his career with the Gulls.5Tottenham won the return leg at White Hart Lane 5-16Frank would go on to lead Leicester City to a Second Division title before taking charge of Manchester United, though his reign there was less than magnificent, sacked after only 18 months in charge.7Inspiration for the song "Nice one Cyril".8Currently known as the Johnstone's Paint Trophy.9This was this season that Mike Batson first became chairman of the club.10The world's first openly gay footballer. He did get some crowd abuse because of this. In March 1998 a 17-year-old claimed Justin sexually assaulted him after a drinking bout. Justin, feeling that he would be unfairly prejudged as guilty of this, hung himself in May later that year.11During this season Torquay achieved their highest ever points tally in the 3 points for a win system, 81

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