Primeval Mudd

I was here, posted quite a lot as Roymondo. I'm not here much anymore. I got a bit too tied up in union stuff, assorted leftie stuff and festivals. Might be a midlife crisis.

Anyway, I've met some fine people here and it will always have a special place in my heart.

Should you be interested in my spewings you can:

  • follow me on Twitter (beware: there is regularly lots of swearing),
  • peruse my blog (more swearing),
  • have a listen to my musical rantings on Soundcloud (a little swearing),
  • and watch some of them on YouTube (to the best of my recollection, no swearing,)

Some other sites I'm involved in are:

If you're in the UK and interested in saving our economy and public services from the Government and dirty rotten tax avoiders I recommend you take a look at these sites and get involved:

See, I told you I was a leftie!

Primeval Mudd isn't my real name. It is, however, an anagram of my real name, a fact which pleases me.

Should you be so minded you can email me at [email protected]

If you're new to h2g2 please do enjoy the place. It's unique, family friendly and much, much more entertaining than Wikipedia.


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Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Researcher U1330481

Former AViator
Work Edited by h2g2


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