A little of me.

The home of Airscotia.smiley - cheerssmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stout
I am moderatr supreme
erm I mean moderator
Beware all celery posters!

Welcome o seeker of wisdom, to the quiet little corner of Hootoo that is mine, to do with as i like.smiley - ok. As i mainly like drinking anything alcoholic, eating anything that's bad for you, and listening to fantastic music, yours should be a happy, if not healthy, visit.smiley - biggrin

Pull up a bar stool, order a drink from the barmaid, and tell me your life story. No really, i've got nothing else to do all day, and your story will fascinate me.smiley - erm As this is a virtual bar, and i'm not at all interested in PC issues, you can drink, smoke ,fart and brawl to your hearts content. Just remember to pay your bill before leaving or Reggie the......AHEM.......doorman, will have to take remedial action.smiley - yikes

Obviously, your story is far more interesting than mine, but in order to inform you a little more, this page should give you me in a nutshell.

*Muffled yell* Help i'm trapped in this nutshell.smiley - groan

I'm male (loses half the audience)

I'm pushing 40 from an undisclosed direction (loses another bunch of viewers)

I'm married with 3 children (getting very sparse in here now)

And i live in Oxfordshire (just you and me then i see)

Ancient stones covered in Latin grafitti

I really do dig Archaeology

Anything else you need to know can be found out from me directly, or from my social secretary ( It's me really, but it gives me a chance to dress up) at.......... airscotia AT msn DOT com.

Here's a clever link to see who else is about on Hootoo at this very moment;

HooToo Online

Here's another that lists ongoing threads;


A Roman stands in the British countryside-bet his knees are cold...

Does this look like Dale Winton to you?

Toodle pip smiley - cheers


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airscotia-back by popular demand

Researcher U208927


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