A Conversation for The Ruined Indian Village

The Cave System

Post 121


*follows GL, eager to get away from caving in caves*

The Cave System

Post 122

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

*This is the last straw for Ruppy and Tidbit. They have already put up with the Things-That-Are-Not-There far too long. They clambor down from Sol's bag and begin "WooWoo!"ing maddly and chasing the Nothings. They are surprised that this doesn't immediately clear the area as most supernatural icky things hate a confrontation with a good dog. The pugs react by doubling their efforts. They go nuts.*

The Cave System

Post 123

Dizzy H. Muffin

[This, of course, serves to drive Zero nuts]

[Zero] smiley - yikessmiley - grr Nyrrrghhh!!

The Cave System

Post 124

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*BeeBee goes nuts too but has been told to 'Stay!' by the fierce ant*

The Cave System

Post 125


*Affy grows ever more nervous as he stays with the group*

I'm warning you ethereal sheets of eldritch vapor for the last time! Anything else like that, and I'm opening the Ahkmut Container!

The Cave System

Post 126

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*following the group* Have I ever mentioned how much I hate tunnels?

The Cave System

Post 127


I'msure we won;t be in this tunnel for much longer. Can you feel it going downhill towards the village?

*The beam of her maglite, on fullforce lights the tunnel up like daytime smiley - disco*

The Cave System

Post 128

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

/* Zeppo smiley - dog joins the barking. */



The Cave System

Post 129

Reverend Lovejello (a.k.a. John Wesley Hardjello)


*Puts Carmel smiley - bunny over his ears.*

The Cave System

Post 130

Styx the Rat

*red eyes looking down at Amy and noisy dog from hole in wall*

heh heh heh
Rats meeting tomorrow to pass laws about noisy neighbours!

The Cave System

Post 131

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

*having felt terribly left out and now feeling that this is the perfect time BeeBee now goes nuts.*

The Cave System

Post 132

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

*while going nuts BeeBee does obey "Stay", and even remains "Down" as per previous command, but she does this very noisily.*

The Cave System

Post 133

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

Carmel,smiley - bunny Reverend, if you are going to do do this I must insist that you clean behind your ears. Yech!

The Cave System

Post 134


*follows group*

The Cave System

Post 135

Titania (gone for lunch)

*follows the others, keeping an eye on the tunnel behind them*

The Cave System

Post 136

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*hears a familiar Rat voice and dares to open her eyes*

Styx! Just the person. How are you? BeeBee and I are in a bit of a fix. We've escaped from the Church of the One True Celery where they were going to sacrifice poor BeeBee - The Celery seems to have gone completely mad. We got this far but the caves are so full of strange shadows and noises and I didn't dare go any further.

And keep an eye on what is through that hole. There were jellos in there earlier.

The Cave System

Post 137

Styx the Rat

*dropping slice of fried spam through hole to shut up dog*

One jello guarding door out of room upstairs. All posse over where other noise and lights are. Two very stupid jellos that way. *points* And lots of jello ghosts.

*scrambles down from hole* Styx going to make fun of stupid jellos
*scampers into darkness*

The Cave System

Post 138

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Hang on! The Posse is where? Are they safe...

*but Styx had gone*

Right then BeeBee. Finish your nice spam and then I think we'll go looking for the Posse.

The Cave System

Post 139

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero follows the group, making his way to the front so that if they come across something really nasty, he can slice it to bits.]

The Cave System

Post 140

Garius Lupus

Actually, there are 3 guards guarding the hole up into Herb's cell (although they aren't paying much attention) - see the "behind the green door" thread. smiley - winkeye

I can't even hear myself think! PARDON? - WHAT WAS THAT I THOUGHT?

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