A Conversation for The Ruined Indian Village

The Cave System

Post 141

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

*Ruppy and Tidbit take up the rear guard, hoping to keep the "Nothings" from following. They continue their relentless "Woowoo"ing*

The Cave System

Post 142

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*doesn't hear GL because she is walking with her hands over her ears*

The Cave System

Post 143

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

Carmelsmiley - bunny Excuse me, Mister Reverend Lumpsofjello Sir, but I was rather hoping to be put down so I can reload my little red wagon.

The Cave System

Post 144

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*BeeBee looks up from her spam*

[BeeBee] Moof (I think I can hear Ruppy and Tidbit but I can't quite believe it)

[Amy] Yes, I can hear that too. But we're still going to be careful. What if they've been captured by The Celery like you were?

The Cave System

Post 145


*trying to keep with GL, Zero and Herb who seem to be setting a cracking pace*

Either that, or my legs are getting shorter

The Cave System

Post 146

Witty Moniker

*Witty gathers the wagon and its contents and follows along last but for the pugs.*

Oof, this thing is heavier than it looks.

The Cave System

Post 147

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero gets impatient (actually, RL family is watching the Moria scene in LotR in the background), so he jumps up and air-dashes to the front of the group.]

The Cave System

Post 148


Weren't you already there?

*Tries to re-read the backlog, utterly confused*

*Affy stays with the group, eyes darting this way and that, his hand firmly clamped onto the Ahkmut Container in such a way as that it can be opened at the slightest hint of any spectral oddities*

The Cave System

Post 149

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

*BeeBee calls once more, hoping her sister and her mother will hear*

Woo-oof Wooooo! (I got Spam and you didn't get none!)

*Then she attempts to follow Styx. Not being a hound, this requires a lot of casting for the scent, which looks to the untrained eye like random wandering about while making snuffling noises. She makes slow progress.*

The Cave System

Post 150

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

Carmelsmiley - bunny Thank you, Miss Witty. I promise, and I really do mean this, that I'll help with the little red wagon just as soon as Mister Reverend Alwaysroomforjello PUTS ME DOWN!

The Cave System

Post 151

Titania (gone for lunch)

*counting heads ahead of her*

Aren't we missing someone? I knew that 'old chap' couldn't be trusted!smiley - cross

The Cave System

Post 152

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*Amy watches BeeBee as she snuffles around for the scent*

The Cave System

Post 153

An Earl Called Lucan-Jello

I say, Titania, you couldn't be referring to me, could you? Not very sporting, what? You can trust me as far as I can throw you, which, believe me, is quite some distance.

The Cave System

Post 154

The Lone Jello and Tontello

Lone Jello: Tontello! I think I hear hell-hounds!

Tontello: Me hear them too, Kemosabe!

Lone Jello: I wish we had some light.

Tontello: You wantum light? Why no say so sooner?

*Tontello flicks a switch and a powerful beam of light lights up the tunnel, showing the amazed face of the Lone Jello.

Tontello: smiley - blush Me boughtum light at Yellowjello's store. For nighttime trips to little house.

The Cave System

Post 155

The Vegetable in the Iron Mask

*Reaches the hole up to his former cell.*

Okay, here we are. Just through that hole is the cell where I was held.

*Pokes head through hole and quickly withdraws it.*

There's three guards up there, playing cards.

*Looks over at Zero.*

Think you can do something about that?

The Cave System

Post 156

Garius Lupus

*Glances back and notices light coming from around a distant corner of the tunnel.*

I think we may have company.

The Cave System

Post 157

Titania (gone for lunch)

*having noticed the same thing as GL...

smiley - nahnah

...stops and turns towards the approaching light, bow and arrow ready*

The Cave System

Post 158

The Lone Jello and Tontello

*The pair round a corner, Tontello in the lead. The bright light beams down the tunnel, showing a large group at the far end.*

Tontello: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

*Tontello takes a step back and caromes into the Lone Jello. Both sprawl to the floor. The light falls from Tontello's hand, crashes to the floor and winks out.*

Lone Jello: What are you doing?!? Get off of me!

Tontello: It'um the posse! The posse up ahead!

The Cave System

Post 159

The Ghost of Zello (now with a crash helmet and goggles)

smiley - ghost Woooo woooo wooo [Did he say cards?]

Woooo wooo wooo [I'm going up there to see]

The Cave System

Post 160

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Has anyone any idea how Herb got past BeeBee to the hole without finding her or me?

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