A Conversation for The Field of Honour

Castle Battlements

Post 101

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus swings his Glamdring sword over towards HDS' lightning. Craxus brings up his other hand full of a poison energy ball, called the Black Plague. Craxus fires it towards HDS.*

Castle Battlements

Post 102

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*The ball of poisen hits HDS full in the chest. HDS sags slightly, but then his Bene Gesirit powers kick in. HDS converts the poisen into bacta, which greatly speed up the regenerative and recuprative powers of his body. HDS increases the power of the lightning*

Castle Battlements

Post 103

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus seeing HDS using the weirding way, reveals that he too is a bene gesirit. Craxus takes off his cloak to reveal part of his upper chest and left arm covered in what looks like scales. Craxus has tan cloth loose pants on with no shoes. Although his teeth have fangs starting to form behind his front teeth.*

Ahhh, a bene gesirit. Let's see how you do against a worm hybrid.

*Craxus dodges the lightning with very little ease.*

Castle Battlements

Post 104

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*noting what Craxus said just a little bit earlier, which was:"*Craxus dodges the lightning with very little ease.*" HDS says:*

Diffuclt for you eh?

*HDS snaps his fingers and his own apearence changes. Instead of the black and silver plate mai lthat he had been wearing before hand, he now wears a simple tan robe and tall brown knee boots.*

Lets do it then

*HDS raises his hands and lightning issues forth in even greater amounts and power than before*

Castle Battlements

Post 105

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus uses the weirding way as it were as easy as breathing. And doges the bolts of lightning striking down towards him. Craxus cocks his neck slowly towards the side and begins swinging his arms.*

Wow, that all you got. I'm just warming up.

*Craxus uses the weirding way and rushs up towards HDS, he kicks and swings his fist towards the stomach of HDS.*

Castle Battlements

Post 106

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS deflects the blows with ease*

Master Craxus, You dis-apoint me! And your father held you in such high esteem! Surely you can do better!

*HDS kicks at Craxus's right knee while breathing fire from his mouth at Craxus's face*

Castle Battlements

Post 107

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus uses the weirding way to slide to his right to avoid the fire and the knee coming at him.*

You think I couldn't see the fire coming from a mile away. Your no GOD!!!!! Your just a FAKE!

*Craxus flips over HDS and brings a leg swipe towads HDS.*

Castle Battlements

Post 108

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS turns and jumps over the leg sweep and kicks at Craxus's head as he lands*

Castle Battlements

Post 109

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus moves out of the way only to see that HDS kicks a image of Craxus as it dissolves from speed/time.*

*Craxus begins to walk proudly towards HDS.*

Come on, you have to be faster than that...

*Craxus tils his head into the air, as you hear a tremendous growl that trembles the very earth you stand.*

Castle Battlements

Post 110

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Suddenly, Craxus feels the touch of the cold steel of one of HDS's many long knives on his neck and a strong arm around his chest. HDS has moved very fast to get into this position.*

Is this what you seek?

Castle Battlements

Post 111

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus gribbs the blade against his neck in a fast motion he moves it away from his neck, as blood trickles down his arm. He finally gets to a point where he loosens HDS grip and flips the knife around in his hand.

*Craxus then takes the knife and swings it lower towards HDS genitalia section.*

If I were you I wouldn't move.

Castle Battlements

Post 112

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS wrenches the blade back around so that the tip is slightly pressing the fabric of Craxus's pants covered groin, but in no way is it penetrating the cloth, much less his flesh*

What were you saying?

Castle Battlements

Post 113

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus transforms into a Arakkis Sand Worm. HDS is fully surrounded by the massive worm of death. Craxus looks at him strangly as food.*


*Craxus as fast as lightning engulfs the fast mass. And starts eating with his smiley - spork.*

Castle Battlements

Post 114

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Suddenly, the Craxus worm feels incredible heart burn. because HDS has set fire to his intestines!*

Thank the gods for jellied gasoline!

Castle Battlements

Post 115

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Too bad my teeth has already ripped you to shreads.

*Craxus in his worm state gets some heart burn....*

*A big downpoor of PEPTOBISMOL, the pink stuff, flys from the sky and Craxus gulfs it all down in one drop.*

Ahhhhh!!!!!! A Fire it thrives in my stomach acids.


Castle Battlements

Post 116

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

smiley - bleep this smiley - bleeper!

*HDS cuts Craxus in two with his rune blade. He steps out from inside him and casts the two parts of him into hell.*

That's that then

*dusts his hands off and snaps his fingers, which cleans all the vile bile off of him*

Castle Battlements

Post 117

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

My scales are made of mythril smiley - smiley

*The runeblade does nothing but shatter into billions of peices, thus being expelled into the great black depths of hell.*

Hows it feel for a taste of your own medicine

*The stomach acid from a sand worm is so intense that anything can be dissolved and turned into spice.*

Castle Battlements

Post 118

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS, being a god, transfers his conciousness into another avatar and apears on the battlements again, while Craxus keeps roasting in hell. HDS decides he'll be mean and he teleport's craxus's mithril scales off of his body*

Castle Battlements

Post 119

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*HDS soon realizes that Craxus is covered in mythril replicators, and goes directly towards HDS, since he beemed them off Craxus. The replicators get all around him and begins to bite with the acids in there newly formed fangs.

*Craxus regrows scales.*

AHHH fire feels good smiley - smiley

Castle Battlements

Post 120


*A ladder slams up against the outer walls, and a knight clad in shining armour leaps at craxus, swinging his sword.*

[Knight] Ha-HAH! (swipe) Ha! (slash) Ho!

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