A Conversation for The Field of Honour

Castle Battlements

Post 61

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Stand there for a second as the wind wips away from the two really fast, giving one of those cool caped guy pressing into the wind effects that look so good in the movies. HDS redouble his efforts, pouring lots and lots of energy into his lightning attack, summoning a massive thunder-head to his aid. As the cloud aproaches massive yellow lightning bolts shoot from it (looks verymuch like the skyline of Mordor at the end of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers). Soon the storm will be on them. HDS grins an evil grin behind his facemask.*

Castle Battlements

Post 62

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus seeing the oncoming storm apporaching he holds up his hand in the air, while holding his other hand to stop the lightning attacks from HDS. A falling object comes falling from the sky a masic sword. It lands just five feet to the right of Craxus. Craxus reachs over and picks up the sword. And suddenly he moves over his sword in the path of HDS lightning. The sword begins to absorb the lightning as it glows a strong glow. You look closer and realize that the sword is the fallen sword of Gandalf, it is Glamdring!*

Castle Battlements

Post 63

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*The storm arrives, sending three lightning bolts against Craxus from three different directions. Another lightning bolt hits the wall in between the two, producing a deafening explosion with stone shrapnel flying out at the speed of sound. HDS raises a mana shield which slows the rocks enough that they ping off of his armor at great speed, but not enough speed to penetrate. (that meens rocks are flying at you aswell Craxus, and three lightning bolts, have fun)*

Castle Battlements

Post 64


*Chronos cringes as rocks bounce off his sheild towards HDS at Ten times the speed of sound*

Castle Battlements

Post 65

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus begins to dodge one of the lightning strikes. Another lightning hits Glamdring, as it begins to glow even more powerful. The 3rd strikes Craxus' right arm just barely. All the debris from the wall comes flying at Craxus. Craxus looks at it for a second and slams his arms down and once he slammed his arms down his power increased. His hair spiked forward as the yellowish aura deflected most of the rocks, stopping it before it hits him. Craxus seeing this as his time to strike. Craxus takes Glamdring which is glowing a bright whitish blue. Craxus rushs up towards HDS and slashs and stabs.*

Castle Battlements

Post 66

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*uses Force to nudge the rocks into pathes that won't hurt him, still shooting lightning at Craxus*

Castle Battlements

Post 67

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Didn't ya read that last little attack? I attacked you...

Castle Battlements

Post 68


He's right.

Castle Battlements

Post 69

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

Please forgive me. I was distracted between this post, a messenger conversation, and a telephone conversation at once.

*HDS jumps back from Craxus's stabs and slashes and whatever else. HDS is still pumping out the lightning, sweeping it across Craxus's path and summoning another three bolts of Mordor Lightning from the blackened sky.*

Castle Battlements

Post 70

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus does a few gymnatics and slashs away the lightning aimed at him from HDS with Glamdring. The lightning gets absorbed into Glamdring as it increases in power...The Mordor lightning comes flying in at Craxus as he does some acrobatics to manuver away from it. The lightning misses and smacks into the ground, exploding around HDS and Craxus.*

Castle Battlements

Post 71

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Again the shrapnel does nothing to harm HDS. HDS decides that it is time to go toe-to-toe. He takes out a blue translucent longsword that is glowing silver and gold from the runes (every square inch).*

This is a Runesword. It will bath in your blood!

*HDS swings it at Craxus so fast that it appears to be a thin blue streak. HDS is battling with the Wierding Way, a form of combat meditation that makes one superior physically to any vampire could hope to be!*

Castle Battlements

Post 72

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

I am no ordinary vampire.

*Craxus strafes and gains the upper hand in footing. Craxus connects Glamdring with the Runeblade. Sparks Fly!!! Every move that HDS makes is counteracted with Craxus. Craxus forms up a little energy ball in his left hand and jumps back 20 feet and in the air realeases it and aims it at HDS.*

Castle Battlements

Post 73

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS knocks the energy ball asside with the runeblade, swinging it so fast that it seems to be a narrow blue blur. Suddenly there is an explosion, a sonic boom, and HDS is right infront of Craxus, swinging his runeblade at his throat with his right hand while sending a powerful Forcewall at him with the left.*

Castle Battlements

Post 74

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus goes flying back and hits the wall from the force wall, while defending himself against the runeblade. Craxus leaps up and sidesteps as he becomes a blur as he rushs in and strikes at HDS with Glamdring. As Craxus and Glamdring both are moving so fast as to become a blur.*

Castle Battlements

Post 75

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS deflects the blow and leaps is back, as he leaps his cape billows out. When he lands, his cape looks like a pair of big scary crimson wings, they glow and a green net pulses out from them at Craxus (This net sublimates that which is strikes, I used it once to vape your armor)*

Castle Battlements

Post 76

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus swings his cloak around him as he turns completely invisible. Craxus creeps closer and closer to HDS as he does not see Craxus.*

Castle Battlements

Post 77

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS fires another net at the ground infront of where Craxus was last seen. HDS leaps back again and sends an all smashing Force Wall across the battlement, intending to smash or at least severly knock back Craxus.*

how did he evade the first net? It was flying right at him. It should have hit him, even if he was ducking. ( hint hint, message with in message, you ignored an attack </ooc&gtsmiley - winkeye

Castle Battlements

Post 78

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*The net and the force wall just hit the wall where Craxus last was. Craxus taps the shoulder of HDS, and mouth feeds his an energy wave of high energy from Craxus hands.*


Castle Battlements

Post 79

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS absorbs it and fires it back from his mouth. Using the Force he detects Craxus's position and swings his Runeblade at him. Meanwhile 12 Mordor lightning bolts from 12 different directions head at Craxus and the area directly around him.*

Castle Battlements

Post 80

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Craxus screams...*


*The mordor lightning comes right at Craxus. Craxus eyes flare up with a bright blue. He brings his arms down in a very fast motion as a every piece of scrap on the battle floor begins to float up in the air. The lightning hits Craxus, you look closer and see the lightning circling his body around an energy shield. Craxus' eyes glare deeply into HDS and begin to walk rather slowly towards HDS. Meanwhile the lightning is circling his body. Glamdring is in his left hand, held in a defensive position.*

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