A Conversation for Alabaster House

The Social Event of the Season

Post 161


(Examines pictures in smiley - thepost)

smiley - yikessmiley - ermsmiley - groansmiley - blush

Madam President, if you ever hire any interns, for smiley - bleep's sake keep 'em away from the Vice-President.

Perhaps we should just call him 'the Vice'? smiley - bigeyes

The Social Event of the Season

Post 162

LL Waz

*picks up a smiley - thepost lying on the steps outside the entrance*

Oh my, Hatstand, look what we missed! If you'd just got home earlier last night... poor Orchid!

What do you mean 'Poor Jodan'!?

Oh, alright, I suppose so. But he could've been kinder.

See that bit?! My, oh my. And that? Yeah, well, that's true enough.

The Pres looks good in that one, elegant. Bit squiffy in that one though. Look... little black numbers, pumpkin spiked hair, yellow shirts, orange ties, lavender leotards... you're going to look a right stick.

Of course we're going in! Urged Shinier Viaduct is here - he's another stick. You can talk to him about architecture, that'll be safe enough. And the seal's not here to pass on salacious stories.

Don't just stand there...

*enters with the Hatstand*

The Hatstand has made a real effort, having donned a bow tie and a black dinner jacket on a hanger. The Minister for Feathered Affairs is masquerading in human form, wearing something long, full and the colour of cobwebs under a lightweight hooded dark cape. It's edged with irridescent starling feathers (spare ones) and held together with a clasp that looks very much like a bat. (It is one, and is quite happy being a clasp for the time being.) Her mask is black, trimmed in long midnight green ostrich feathers (also spare) with small silvery spiders (also happy) caught in the vanes.

They move towards the President, who is in deep discussion with her Spinmeister. The Hatstand lifts a jacket sleeve to shake hands while the Minister gives the President a quick hug, accidentally shedding a spider.

Congratulations again on your election, Madame President, and apologies for being so late. I think we'd best leave you to your spinning, looks like a big job.

We need to find food and I need to find the VP to sort out access to my office.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 163


Hugs Waz back in spite of the spiders.

Afraid I'm going to have to leave again. Lightning very close. Need to turn off the computer.

Continue with your dancing and conversation. Just make yourselves at home.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 164


*Totters in* Is there a prize for the latest arrival? Can I have it?

*Immediately collapses into a chair. Attempts to collapse. The truth is that Sol had a yen to see if all that nonsense about corsets was really as bad as they say and so has spent most of the ball being laced into one the tightest examples of the species going. Her waist is now a modest 21 inches. Her bustle is enourmous - that didn't require much padding, sadly - and her bust has seemingly doubled over night. That's where all the displaced flesh went. Apparently. Her boots are small and button at the front. She has feathers in her hair and her fan.*

*Unfortuneately it seems that tight lacing and bustles do not make for sitting down with ease. After approaching the chair from different angles, Sol gives up and leans against the wall fanning herself furiously.*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 165

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

*Mr. D also leans against the wall and fans himself... the sight of women in tight corsetry always flusters the poor man.*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 166

Lady Chattingly

*Sneaks in the back way, hoping not to be noticed.*

Doesn't work so she says; "Hello, all. Sorry to be so late, but had trouble making flight connections out of Possum Bluff."

I did manage to catch a glimpse of Hyp on my way in. She looked lovely, as usual.

Sorry I missed the seal/whale encounter. Must have been fun!

The Social Event of the Season

Post 167

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Crikey does wearing that hurt

The Social Event of the Season

Post 168


*Grits teeth. Projects best 'I am a matyr' aura.*

Yes. *Pathetically whimpered*

*Waves limply at Mr D.* A cool glass of something would be just delightful. *Flutters eyelashes*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 169


*Overhears some gossipy partygoers discussing the great Jodan and thinks that she has definitely tarheted the wrong male for chief runner abouter and supplier of, er, nibbles here...*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 170


*pops in*

Hello everyone. Hope I didn't miss too much last night.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 171


I have three nibbles smiley - smiley

No, you didn't miss much. However, if you see a killer whale with red eyes and a pink se(a)quined gown, tell her I'm off in business in Ohio smiley - run

smiley - blacksheep

The Social Event of the Season

Post 172


Still in trouble, eh? I hope this has taught you some sort of invaluable lesson. I'm not sure what in, but to justify this amount of property damage, you're going to have to prove it was in a good cause.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 173

UnderGuide Archivist - Visit The UnderGuide: A2112490

Good Evening, Mr Vice-President.
I'm afraid that the whale is emotionally indisposed.
However, we can do you a deranged albatross if you like.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 174


There should be dancing. I don't see any dancing. Why isn't there dancing?

Lady C. smiley - smooch So glad you could make it.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 175

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ah Bagpuss nice to see you again

*Hands Bagpuss a beer*

Last night went ok, apart from Jodan's love Quadrangle

The Social Event of the Season

Post 176

UnderGuide Archivist - Visit The UnderGuide: A2112490

Good Evening to you, too, Madam President.

Would you care to blow on this dog-whistle?

The Social Event of the Season

Post 177


*takes beer*

Good to see you, too Reefgirl. How're you doing today? smiley - cheers

The Social Event of the Season

Post 178


Hello Vic. Did you get poor Orchid safely back to the Pier?

Dog whistle. Is it tuned to ay particular frequency? Say hound, for example?

The Social Event of the Season

Post 179

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I'm fine ta Bagpuss, hows life in the cushion office?, the rumour mill is working overtime with our VP and his Harem

The Social Event of the Season

Post 180

UnderGuide Archivist - Visit The UnderGuide: A2112490

Spot on, Ma'am.
The rest of us seem to be having little success with hound-summoning.
Perhaps the Top Dog might do better?

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