A Conversation for Alabaster House

The Social Event of the Season

Post 221

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

This is turning into my kind of partysmiley - biggrin
The Ozarks are turning into chaos.

F smiley - shark S

The Social Event of the Season

Post 222


smiley - sigh Once again the hope for a magical moment is dashed upon the rocks of superficial self-importance.

Buy you a drink, sailor?

The Social Event of the Season

Post 223

LL Waz

Full of hope the VP approaches the bookshelf...

which retreats before him...

The Social Event of the Season

Post 224

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Thanks Hyp,I could go for an smiley - ale

F smiley - shark S

The Social Event of the Season

Post 225

LL Waz

Oh my, the UnderWorld wouldn't have him!

A bell chimes, seven size graduated small skeletons appear at the bottom of the steps. A ghostly chorus starts - 'It's tiiime tooo go, it's ti ime to say goood byeee...'

Oooops, that's my cab. 'night all - since the Hatstand's enjoying himself so much, I'll leave him and collect him tomorrow.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 226


Wo, FS.

Y'know, I think I might still be feeling last night a bit. I just had one of those worrying animatory furniture moments.

Coleridge - don't you go staying up too late, now.

G'night, all...

The Social Event of the Season

Post 227


Certainly. smiley - ale it is. smiley - smiley

Now, why don't we all just go back to seeing how many LEDs we can fill with innocuous pleasantries.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 228


Good night Pinniped, old bean. Sweet dreams. We'll keep an eye on Alberta for you.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 229


What's that you say? Peers at the chandelier again. I really need to locate my glasses.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 230


Hypatia trudges up the grand staircase to her private apartment where she changes from her ballgown back into her silk pajamas and robe. She rubs her feet, tired from all the dancing, for a few minutes before donning her bunny slippers and making her way back down the stairs and into the ballroom.

The orchestra is packing their instruments, and severbots are busy clearing up the plates and glasses. The bartender is polishing the bar, and Wolfgang has arrived to supervise the removal of the buffet trays.

All of the guests appear to have left except for the large white sea bird, who is still clinging to her perch on the chandelier. Hypatia sits forlornly on the next to the bottom step and puts her head in her hands.

The giant bird, finally feeling safe, floats down and lands with a plop beside Hypatia who reaches out and gently strokes her feathers.

I'm glad you came, Alberta. A lot has happened since I saw you last old friend. Happy things and sad ones, too. I am clinging to this perilous perch known as sanity, but it is beginning to wobble. That happens to people when they realize that their best years are behind them and the future holds nothing but lonliness and frustration.

Those ghosts dancing tonight....here but not here....reaching out and touching nothing....surrounded by life, yet isolated and alone. That is the future, Alberta. It's like that poet said,

Like a ghost ship ever sailing,
With no respite from the sea -
The patterns that our lives have traced
Are always there, can't be erased.
What was will always be.

I'm tired, Alberta. You can't imagine how tired. I wish I had your wings. Tonight I would like to rise up off of my perch, catch one of your thermals and soar away, never to be seen or heard from again.

The great bird shuffled about uncomfortably, trying to think of a way to change the subject. Sensing her discomfort, Hypatia took hold of the railing and pulled herself to her feet.

You too, Alberta? You don't want to hear it either? Only happy talk welcomed here, huh old dear? Nothing personal, you say. Perhaps we could chat about book binding in the middle ages. That should be a safe subject. Or we could always talk about the weather. Discussing the weather never makes people ill at ease. Shall we spend the rest of our lives discussing the weather?

Wolfgang surveys the now empty ballroom, waves to the President and turns off the lights. Alberta flys to the top of the chandelier once more and settles down to sleep. Hypatia turns and slowly mounts the long staircase alone. She turns on her ipod and hits shuffle. The gentle strains of Ronnie Milsap fill the staircase.

Now my broken heart
Cries for you each night.
And it's almost like a song
But it's much too sad to write.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 231


smiley - erm Madam President? Are the responsibilities of office getting to you? (Respectful smiley - hug)

The Social Event of the Season

Post 232


What's getting you down, Madam President?

The Social Event of the Season

Post 233


I'm fine. smiley - smiley I guess there were too many ghosts around last night. It all appears sunny and normal in here this morning.

I see Wolfgang did a good job of clearing out the mess. Maybe I should have him tackle my desk. smiley - winkeye

Tell me, , are these too formal looking for everyday wear? I may change into my blue polyesters for office wear. And use my thermal robe.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 234


You can wear whatever you like! They're just fine.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 235

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Silk gives you that air of nobility Madam President

The Social Event of the Season

Post 236


And silk is so comfortable. Being comfortable is important when making important decisions, I think.

I do wish I could get the grease stain off of my bunny slippers. I've just broken them in good and hate the thought of buying new ones.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 237

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Stain devils brilliant little critters, different types for all stains, I use 2 regularly one for food grease and oil based stains Being a smiley - chef it's the most regularly used) and one for pen, paint and school type stains

The Social Event of the Season

Post 238


I don't believe I've seen those. I'll keep an eye out. Thanks. smiley - smiley

The Social Event of the Season

Post 239

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I'm not sure if they have an American counterpart but I'll be happy to mail them to you

The Social Event of the Season

Post 240


Let me google it and see if I can get it here. I'll let you know. Have to head for work now.

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