A Conversation for Alabaster House

The Social Event of the Season

Post 141

UnderGuide Archivist - Visit The UnderGuide: A2112490

Good evening, Ma'am.

I've brought a small truck to take the whale and the seal home, if that would suit your needs.

Alternatively, you could offer me a dance?

The Social Event of the Season

Post 142


smiley - yawn I think I'd best be off to bed now as well. Sorry, Hyp.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 143


I suppose we could take a spin on the dance floor before you load them up.

Do you think it's a good idea to load the two of them up together? I would have to interview for a new Presidential Seal. It's bad enough that all officials sealed this week will display a fat lip.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 144


Night Baggers. Thanks for the rumba. *waves*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 145


*waves to everyone*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 146

UnderGuide Archivist - Visit The UnderGuide: A2112490

They'll be all right. Speak sits on Pinniped quite a lot. He pops back into shape after a while.

I do hope you haven't been too offended by their behaviour tonight. Pinniped does have a disagreeable tendency to take over from time to time, as I'm sure you've noticedsmiley - erm

*steers carefully round the whale, as the band strikes up*

You're right about Jodan's badges, by the way. Just between you and me, there are pictures to prove it.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 147


Quite all right. I'm just sorry that Orchid was spurned. It's hard having your first real crush disappoint you like that. I'm not sure what I'm going to do to Jodan, but I assure you, it will be unplesant.

Pictures? I'm sure smiley - thepost would pay handsomely for those. Do you suppose they bounce about when he gets frisky?

Give my regards to Speak.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 148


*waves goodnight to departing guests*

Good heavens, where did everybody go?

*walks over to buffet table to sample the cheese, then sits down to listen to the music*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 149

UnderGuide Archivist - Visit The UnderGuide: A2112490

I surely will pass on your regards.

Don't worry about Orchid. She'll get over it.

As for the pictures, you'd have to ask your Avian Advisor. Aerial surveillance is full of surprises, it would seem.

You dance, beautifully, Madam President. And now, if you'll excuse me, I'll lash down this load, and bid you goodnight. Halloween is about to start in Pier-land, and I'd prefer to be home in case Ilmarinen wakes up in one of his moods.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 150


Well, that was a memorable encounter.

Lovely buffet trays, by the way. Thanks.

Since things have calmed down a bit, I think I'll pop up to my private quarters and freshen up a bit.

Everyone, enjoy the music, the food and the bar. See you after while.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 151

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

smiley - book

F smiley - shark S

The Social Event of the Season

Post 152

Santragenius V

*Silently enters, late in perfect keeping with his musetitle. Bribes the band with smiley - coffee to play some soft smooth jazz for the early hours of the day and sits down to read the gossip and see the pictures in smiley - thepost. Especially impressed with the very big picture needed of the whale*

smiley - biggrin

The Social Event of the Season

Post 153

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Comes back from her nap bright eyed and bushy tailed*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 154

Santragenius V

'ning, Reefgirl. A morning smiley - oj or smiley - coffee?

The Social Event of the Season

Post 155

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - tea if you've got it please

The Social Event of the Season

Post 156

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

*Enters late, so late as to have gone beyond merely fashionable and into some theoretical quantum state.*

Hi all!

*Mr. D is wearing a full great kilt in Farqharson tartan, a black shirt, black doublet, cream kilt hose and brown DMs.*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 157


*Teuchter enters - wearing a white shot-silk dress which has a plain bodice and a full skirt, gathered at the waist. Across her bosom is draped a sash of Hunting MacPherson tartan and on her feet are neat, back lace-up dancing pumps.

Mr D - you look rather dashing today. Shall we see if we can rustle up enough for a Strip the Willow?

*heads for smiley - coffee first

The Social Event of the Season

Post 158

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Sounds like a good idea Teuchter. Mind if I join you for that coffee you're eyeing up?

The Social Event of the Season

Post 159


*passes Mr D smiley - coffee and takes bacon sarnie from tray being circulated by waiter-bot

The Social Event of the Season

Post 160

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Hello there, you've missed the best part, a whale, a seal and the VP have been the subject of what can be best described as an episode of Eastenders

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