A Conversation for Alabaster House

The Social Event of the Season

Post 121

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Goes to the bar and comes back with a bottle of wine and an empty glass and a look that says touch this at your peril*

*Pours a glass, knocks it back and pokes her tongue out*

Thanks Bagpuss

The Social Event of the Season

Post 122


Jodan sleeping with Pinniped? smiley - bigeyessmiley - yikes

I need a drink. Or seven. smiley - redwine

The Social Event of the Season

Post 123

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - yikes I hope the sheep don't find out, hell hath no fury like a sheep scorned

The Social Event of the Season

Post 124


It's my pleasure, Reefie. Anything for a girl looking that good.

*looks up 'palimony'*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 125


Oh, hi Ormy. Fanshy a drink? Only I've found quite a lorravit back here...


Hey. Did I tell you? I've never done that with a sheep in my life. Dunno worrr he's talkinabout...

The Social Event of the Season

Post 126

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Smiles sweetly at Bagpuss*

Well thank you kindly sir

The Social Event of the Season

Post 127


smiley - blush

The Social Event of the Season

Post 128


Ermmmmmm, Pin, there's something I've been wondering about. About Jodan. Not that I believe his story about the two of you and all the sheep. Of course I don't. HeeHee. smiley - blush But would you happen to know....not from personal experience, just from the rumor mill...cough...well, I've always wondered if he sleeps with all of his badges.

smiley - redwine

The Social Event of the Season

Post 129

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Have another drink smiley - ale

smiley - smooch

The Social Event of the Season

Post 130


*relative peace appears to have descended.
The seal lying comatose behind the bar can be safely ignored.
The whale prostrate on the dance-floor, periodically emitting soulful sighs, may yet prove to be more of an obstruction*

The Social Event of the Season

Post 131

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

That didn't come from my rumour mill

The Social Event of the Season

Post 132


*Pops in from Jodan's dinner for the Vice Presidential staff*

Ah, you made it then? About time. How is everyone?

The Social Event of the Season

Post 133


*takes smiley - ale*

*smiley - blushes even more from smiley - smooch.*


Thank you.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 134



The Social Event of the Season

Post 135

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

So Baggers tell me all about what you do here

The Social Event of the Season

Post 136


I'm afraid...smiley - redwine...that I am going to require the services...smiley - redwine...of my Spinmeister.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 137


waves to Reefgirl

These time zones make it difficult to celebrate anything properly. smiley - erm

The Social Event of the Season

Post 138


Yes, they do. I'm going to have to head off shortly too.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 139


G'night Reefgirl - it's been fun. I would explain what I do, but I don't want to get into the ins and outs of cushions at this time of night.

Night, Elentari.

The Social Event of the Season

Post 140


That's probably best. I wouldn't want to be in the same office as Jodan when Orchid gets around to hunting him down.

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