A Conversation for Role Playing: The Last Voyage of the Mary Celeste

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 41

soeasilyamused, or sea

yep. 'tis sad. 1:13 left in the 4th and they're 13 pts behind... smiley - sadface my parents will be devastated.

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 42

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

[ooc]I'm still going to wear my hat with pride, and go beat up some cowboys fans.......on second thought that last thing might not be such a good idea right now smiley - winkeye

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 43

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh

ooohhhhhh, yo, you have NO idea how close they just came to scoring and going into overtime... smiley - groan three feet from the end zone and they didn't make it.

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 44

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

smiley - groan
no! no good! smiley - wah!

smiley - bluesmiley - cry

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 45

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - hug i'm sorry. smiley - erm

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 46

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Hey, hey HEY!

Football /bad/. Adventure //good//.

So how about we blow a wall here with the hand granade and see if it gets us outside then? Hmm?

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 47

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

[OOC] Heathen! You Blastfem! *tackles JJ*

right, where's that monk that reads the book?

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 48

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*is tackled* Ow...

I dunno. Didn't you bring him...? *looks at Pippin* Did the Hobbit bring him...? Or perhaps the ranger..? *looks at G* I didn't bring him.

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 49

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

It must be in the lady Sea's pocket of destiny


Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 50

soeasilyamused, or sea

erm... lemme look. it's entirely possible.


*after a moment, she pulls out a rather surprised-looking monk with a book*

this him?

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 51


*Falls down stairs, wearing his own adventurer's garb (something like Antharia Jack, but not quite)*

Ow! Um, sorry for the intrusion, but my Adventure Alerter went off and I came to investigate. What's the story?

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 52

soeasilyamused, or sea

well, after we found arl under the couch, we realized there was a passage down here. so everyone has become elfish LotR-esque adventurers, and we're trying to get through this big wall, here. the writing on the wall makes a Monty Python allusion. smiley - smiley and this monk, i believe, is supposed to read a book. *shrug*

well, if that's not the worst recap in the history of adventuring, i don't know what is. smiley - winkeye

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 53

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*the smiley - elf smiles amusedly*

I've heard worse, actually. You could have said "Well, we went under the couch and some stuff happened, and then some more stuff happened. And then the guy came an' he's supposed to read from... a thing.

Or something like that.

*to the monk*

Sir, do you have, in your posession, the Holy Hand Granade of Antiok...? Or at least the passage in the Good Book /about/ the Holy Hand Granade of Antiok...?

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 54

Garius Lupus

Monk: Ummm, ... Oops, I mean, Ommmmmm.

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 55

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

useless monks, perhaps we can do without the reading......God willing we shall beable to recall the instructions......quick everyone back up, come on now farther up away from the door. The wrath of God has no wish to hurt you kind souls.

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 56


*Follows the ushering*

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 57

soeasilyamused, or sea

*err... ditto*

*watches interestedly*

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 58


*ditto as well*

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 59

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

<walks back down towards the door a little ways draging the 2 monks and sir >
[Yo]Right, now read!
[Monk]And the people feasted on the sheep, cattle, deer, arvarks, urangitangs, various breakfast cereals, grass, glu-
[Head Monk]Skip a bit brother...
[Monk]and the Lord said that if you should ever need to smiteth these evil nasty bad persons, thou shalt taketh this Holy Hand Grenade of Antiock and puleth thy pin and counteth to 3eth. And the number of the counting shall be 3. Do not count to 4 or 2 unless of course in proceeding to 3. 5 is RIGHT OUT!......
[Head Monk]Thank you brother

[Yo/King A]Right. ~pulls the pin~
[Sir Knight Guy]3 sir!
~all the adventurers jump into a handy dandy trench that has just been noticed and look out~

.these dots stand for an infintesamly short period of time, much shorter than anyone could possibley notice but see I like making dots......................smiley - wow look at all those!........................

Under the Couch *scary music plays*

Post 60

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*The smiley - elfsmiley - biggrin*

"...And we shall smite our enemies... In thy mercy..."

(smiley - laugh)

*behind the blown up hole where the door once stood lies a great green feild, such as one that might be found in *gasp* The Shire (Also known as a farming district in New Zealand. Just thing rolling green feilds bordered by green forests, and pretty hanging vines, and fun things such as that.)*

*she steps out of the hole and onto the grass it is springy and green*

Lovely. smiley - smiley

Come on out, everyone, it's great!

*she walks out a few paces and waits for the others to follow*

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