Role Playing: The Last Voyage of the Mary Celeste

83 Conversations

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This scenario was written by Jim MacDougal.


This is a work of obvious fiction. In it's writing, the names of those aboard the Mary Celeste during the voyage described, were taken and perhaps defamed. It was done in the spirit of good fun, though apologies are probably due. Perhaps they would be amused.

Know that those aboard the Mary Celeste were all of the highest morals, they were certainly a cut above the average crew of windjammers and possibly the finest crew ever to sail. Whatever happened on the Mary Celeste it was not a failure of anyone's character.

This game is dedicated to the 10 souls lost from the Mary Celeste. Whatever happened to them, wherever they are, may they have fair winds.

Also, this game is dedicated to the Mary Celeste herself; she was too fine a vessel to bear the jinx she did.

The Beginning

It is November 28, 1872. The brigantine Mary Celeste has been at sea for 23 days en route from New York to Genoa with a cargo of 1700 casks of commercial alcohol. It is a cargo the ship's compliment is unfamiliar with, and Captain Briggs is concerned with its volitile nature, particularly with the uncommonly warm weather this voyage.

For the last 3 days the ship has experienced rough seas and gales, though she has weathered it well. This morning the storms broke and the day began with fair sailing. For the last few hours, however, the ship has been becalmed, and there is no reason to expect the winds to freshen this evening.

This is not a matter of much concern. In fact, the still air comes as a welcome relief for the tired crew of the Mary Celeste.

The Mary Celeste is an excellent vessel and in good hands. Captain Briggs is an outstanding master; his mates, Richardson and Gilling, are of unimpeachable character and competence, as are the cook and the crew of four. The Mary Celestes's only passengers, the Captain's wife Sarah and their daughter Lizzie, are quite at home at sea, as is fitting for a Captain's family.

But for the lack of a breeze all is well with the Mary Celeste, though should the need arise there is a lifeboat. The ship carries a 20 foot yawl; more than fit to carry all aboard the Mary Celeste, though hardly a boat to be called on for a long voyage. The Mary Celeste lies approximately 500 miles off the island of Santa Maria in the Azores.

There have been strange happenings aboard the Mary Celeste. A stowaway has been found hiding in the forecastle. The Captain is quite nonplussed to find a woman hidden on his ship. Her story has yet to be sorted out.

The Mary Celeste has also been hailed by a be-furred savage in a canoe made out of hides. How she came to be so far out at sea remains a mystery. At her insistence she has been taken aboard. It is early evening, an hour from sunset (and will remain that time until GL announces that the time has changed).

Locations and Items

There are lots of places to go on the ship, although some will have restricted access, such as personal cabins.

All crew and passengers have personal sea-chests located in the Forecastle, except for the Captain and First mate who keep their chests in their cabins. The chests are locked, with only the owner having a key. Also located in the Forecastle is a spare chest and the weapon's locker, which is locked (the Captain has the only key). The weapon's locker contains 2 pistols and 4 cutlasses. The Captain has and ornamental sword he keeps under his bunk and the First Mate keeps the ship's log on a table in his cabin. The castaway's canoe is near the lifeboat and contains a paddle and a spear.

Cast of Characters

Captain Benjamin S. BriggsBabel-17
Sarah Briggs, Captain's wifeGw7en
Lizzie Briggs, Captain's daughterWitty Moniker
First Mate Albert RichardsonMac
Second Mate Andrew GillingAfgncaap5
Seaman Johan GoodschadMarv the Grate
Seaman Johan LorenzenIrving Washington
Seaman Johan MartensRed Dog
Seaman Johan VolkertYowuzupman
Cook Albert HeadSPINY
Ship's Catsea
The StowawayJedi Jade
The CastawayAsteroid Lil
Captain Robert McLelland'Elaphant


The action started on August 9th in the thread called "on deck". Information for everyone to read is found in the "Announcements" thread, and some chat between the actors can be found in the "OOC conversation" thread. Before we started, we talked a lot in the thread called "Pre-start conversation".

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