A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 661

Daniel Anthony

As a newbiesmiley - erm, one question comes to mind before all others: do we have anyone in here distilling bad moonshine in the basement?

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 662


I'm going in!

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 663

Daniel Anthony

Fixed my nickname. I must be the only person to have a typo in my own name.smiley - laugh

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 664

Baron Grim

*CountZero awakens for a moment... Wanders over to corner of boardroom to wipe up the remains of the parrot he knocked from the shoulder of bored laura... *

smiley - ermsmiley - ill


smiley - yikes

that's not a parrot...What the smiley - bleep is this?

*displays remains to rest of group... there are feathers but what else is thus displayed remains a mystery*

Apologozies, Bored Laura... I thought I saw a parrot on your shoulder as you returned from the raid.

My bad.

*Returns feathery lump to Bored Laura*

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 665

Baron Grim

Has anyone seen my Ocelot?

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 666


Not a clue.

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 667

Baron Grim

*CZ saunters rather unsteadily back in*

Hi, Guys... Just got back from the raid... Sorry I was so late. Oh...BTW you missed this!

*Slams bottle of 21yr old Highland Park on Minibar*

Oh... The Ocelot found ME by the way. Helped out at the raid in a strange way.

>notice his unsmiley - tomatoed clothes but many bleeding scratches.<

I'm just going to pass out here for awhile... Ah'ight?


The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 668


Before we do this again we may need to rethink our positions on smiley - tomato, parrots and ocelots. Aside from that I believe we can proclaim the raid a success.

*does a celebratory dance as there's not yet a smiley for it*

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 669

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

smiley - evilgrin I wonder what genius thought of raiding for booze, anyways.
*peruses backlog* Oh, yeah. Props to me then! Someone bring me a smiley - stiffdrink

*props feet up on the bleeding Capt. passed out on the ground*

okay... getting bored again.

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 670

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Oh, and by the way Daniel Anthony... I'm the Chief Subliminator of Thingite Espionage... so I think the two of us need to work together on some covert espionage thingy stuff. Mmmm. Mini-bar.

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 671

Baron Grim

*CountZero smiley - pirate lifts head and regains conciousness just long enough to mumble...*

"Did I get a promotion?"

*Before drifting off again.*
*The ocelot wriggles out of the crudely formed holster and wanders back into forest marking the oak panelling on the way out.*

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 672

Just Another Number

*sneaks in after following Count Zero back through his port-hole from the Zaphodista. the Count was too drunk on his own success to notice*

Hmmm... I think it was success he was drunk on... smiley - drunk

*proceeds to roll barrel of finest liquor back through port-hole.*


smiley - nahnah

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 673

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Pirate stuff. Sorry I missed the raid, but I had a ton of homework. Can I have some stuff for reminding you to restock the minibar and coming up with a plan? Oh that reminds me, I have two new plans.
1)subliminal frames to make people say Thing instead of smiley - bleepday.
2)We use magick (sic) and hackers to bring the Ancients out of Eternal Darkness, changing them just enough so that they don't eat us or drive us insane. For those who don't know, the Ancients are the quintessence of evil. For those who don't know what quintessence means - read the backlog.

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 674


Thet're planning on striking back! Be ready!

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 675

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Oh no...!


The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 676


This is one bizarre thread to walk into the middle of...

...well, I guess, hello?

Does all this raiding involve swords, by the way? smiley - biggrin

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 677

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

smiley - erm...

We've kind of already raided. Sorry.

Actually right now we're waiting for the raid we ought to get back for raiding them in the first place. Sort of a... raiding reciprocation, if you will. smiley - ok

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 678


So it's kinda raiding precipitatin that'll lead to the inevitable raiding cascade before we all fall through the raiding event horizon beyond which it becomes economically unviable to do anything but go on raids?

smiley - biggrin

*rattles sabre, but it's rusted fast into it's scabbard*

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 679

Baron Grim

*Awakens. Surveys his current position. Carefully unstraps Ocelot Holster (tm) and wriggles out from under it leaving the holster to continue footrest duties in his place. Then pulls up egg-shaped retro style chair to sit in.*
Yea... there were swords... And tomatoes, and Ocelots. But we succeeded in liberating the Zaphodistas Alcohol (sorry didn't notice any spare Ramune bottles, frustrating things anyway). A nice load of booty, aye? Haarrr smiley - pirate

The Boardroom of Evil, Now a bunch of Pirates

Post 680

Mr. Legion

Oh yes. Big curvy pirate ones. smiley - pirate The Zaphodistas are going to strike back, eh? We should man the defensive positions. smiley - erm Well, if we had any... Get to your stations! Any stations! I'll remain here and guard the mini-bar smiley - bigeyes

*Flashing red klaxon descends from the ceiling and starts to wail irritatingly*

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