h2g2 Post 08.07.04

2 Conversations

Posted: 8th July 2004

Feeling a little blue

The h2g2 Summer Meet takes place this Saturday and I won't be able to attend. Sadly this will be the second one I have missed as I couldn't get to the winter one either. So, it has been a year since I've seen lots of my friends and fellow Post Reporters. Hey, ho! Maybe 2005 will bring more luck.

This is an odd time of the year. Most colleges have finished and exams been passed or failed. Most schools in Scotland have disbanded for the summer but those in the rest of the UK generally soldier on for another couple of weeks. Many moons ago schools in my hometown, Derby, used to finish at the end of June so that their holidays coincided with the annual closure of the Rolls Royce works. Does this still happen I wonder? It meant that holiday spots weren't too crowded because it was still, technically, off-season - it also meant that travel and accomodation were a little cheaper. Nowadays parents will take their offspring out of school any old time if they decide to book a holiday. Nice for the adults but annoying for the teachers! With a limited number of school days in the year - eroded more by teaching practice days (or whatever they are called now) - pupils are already under pressure to cram as much into their day as possible. Ten or more of these carelessly sacrificed for a couple of cheap weeks on the Costa can leave little Sarah or Marc playing serious catch-up for the rest of the school year.

Anyway, The Post is ready and waiting whenever you are!





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