Escape Pod Dreams - 75

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Escape Pod Dreams, the Flip-Flops and Biros Issue

The New New blob

Feetware and Scribbleware

I saw a woman in a barn store shopping for flip-flops today. It was a half an aisle full of nothing but bits of foam neoprene with a y-thingie attached. She was already wearing a pair. I knew this for a fact because I could hear her coming up behind me for a full two minutes before she appeared. I still don't understand the mechanics of how a four-year-old, let alone a full-grown woman, can drag their feet back and then lift them foward just enough to get the full effect of the flip before they flop their foot back down again.
Considering how little exercise some of these creatures get, you would
think that the just-described process would actually count as work
and be a good thing to avoid!

I think it should be made an international criminal law that every person who can write or will probably be made to make their mark at least once or twice during the day should have a writing instrument with them or be forced to go home once they've made it to the store, work, school, synagogue and it is proven to the satisfaction of the
people in charge that they do not have the proper tools to begin their day. There is no good cookie-crumbling reason why a literate person should be without a writing instrument anywhere or anytime during their day. Hell, my wife keeps a pen in the shower! Though, I don't know why... and I'm not going to ask.

The New New blob

More reasons why it doesn't hurt to think ahead:

1. 8:57 AM
Manuel Dexterity: Knowledge is of no use if you can't figure out where you left it last...

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without

2. 9:57 AM
Man, the tool-losing animal..

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without

3. 10:57 AM
Eighty miles an hour without a clue...

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without

4. 11:57 AM
Time: sharp or dull?

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without

The New New blob

The Escape Pod Dreams

(tonsil revenge)

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