The h2g2 Post 14.08.08

2 Conversations

Posted: 14th August 2008



Summer is Here!

I can tell it is, because it's blowing a gale outside, it's been threatening rain all morning, and I'm about to go and play cricket. Good old England. Anyway, The Post is on its annual summer break at the moment, so I'm pleased to present our first summer special of the year—some of my favourite Post articles to keep you going until the Post Office re-opens (deadline for submissions Sunday 8th September).

Please don't forget that we're still looking for a new Features Editor, preferably one that can make a good cup of tea, and although we've had a good response to the cartoon appeal we're still looking for new contributors who can make us laugh.

See you soon!






  • The h2g2 Poem

  • Appropriately enough, it's 'The Post Goes On Holiday', by Captain Khamsim!








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